Science Journal


Grading will be based on points and the following Assessment List:

1- Name Listed

2- Entries are dated

3- Topics are Labeled

4- Science concepts are explored

5- Observations are organized and written in complete sentences.

6- Lists of interesting information and ideas from different sources, such as computer, newspapers, magazines and television.

7- Interesting and enjoyable elements are identified and reasons given for them.

8- Problems and Concerns are identified and ideas are provided for their solution.

9- Exploration as a learner is evident

10- Extra Work included– example Diagrams, tables, or sketches.

11- Certain assignments will require students to watch the weather reports during year.

Students will keep a Journal for the both semesters. The same notebook will be used. The work a student will do in the journal will be assigned in class  and time will be allocated for the student to work on their journal assignments. Creativity and honesty are key components to the student s success with this assignment.