February 21, 1999
Whoa! Long time no updates! Today, I changed the format (AGAIN!!) and updated each of the MaG7 team members' bios.
December 24, 1998
Today, I changed this page to Mag 7 Mundo. I also have created a new poll. I've updated the biographies and changed the layout slightly as well.
November 7, 1998
Today I added the The Magnificent Seven Page Banner. For more info on putting it on your web page, E-mail me. I also became a member of Link Exchange. And that's not all - I've created a brand new poll, the Favorite Mag 7 Member Poll
October 31, 1998
I added a new page - the competitions page. This is where you can go to see what competition last took place involving one or more mag 7 member. It will also have the next gymnastics shows on TV. I also added a last updated text on each page. I'm currently working on the photo gallery.
October 23, 1998
Today I added some pictures to Dominique M. and Shannon's page. I also have updated Dominique's page.
October 17, 1998
Today I added more pictures to the individual athletes pages. Sorry I haven't gotten a chance to update this page, but I've also been working on another page, called Nique's Plaza. Wanna see it? The address is: www.angelfire.com/ny/LaurenLiz/index.html
October 3, 1998
I've added the Favorite Events Poll and updated Dominique Moceanu and Shannon Miller's pages.
September 26, 1998
This page is added! I also have added more pictures of the Magnificent Seven members.