Mabio Costa becoming a Certified
Peer Visitor by the Amputee Coalition of America (A.C.A)
Mabio Costa attending the Amputee Coalition of America (A.C.A) peer training Seminar with the Instructors Becky Bruce (A.C.A Outreach Coordinator) and Charlie Steele (A.C.A Board Member).
The Amputee Coalition of America (ACA) is a national, non-profit amputee consumer educational organization representing people who have experienced amputation or are born with limb differences. The ACA includes individual amputees, amputee education and support groups for amputees, professionals, family members and friends of amputees, amputation or limb loss related agencies, and organizations.
The ACA was incorporated in 1989 and is governed by a Board of Directors, the majority of whom are amputees. The ACA operates on the strongly held principle that education enables individuals who have lost a limb to participate knowledgeably in decisions about their own care, services and outcomes. To achieve their highest potential, people with limb loss must play the central role in decisions affecting their lives. Only then can they fully embrace life and its limitless opportunities for self-fulfillment. The ACA exists to provide this education.