Welcome to The Vanilla Thunder Zone
Last update: September 25, 2003

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World Championship of Fantasy Football...if you think you're truly a master at fantasy football, go to Vegas and back it up! Only $1,350 for a shot at Fantasy Football immortality!

2004 Ricockulous Playoff Fantasy Football Championship...A full field of 12 is chasing the prize in the 5th year of the RPFFL! Darren Nelson's out to an early lead, but with 3 Ravens on the squad, his lead will likely be short-lived.
Prior results: 2003 || 2002 || 2001

2003 NFL Loser Pool...after three weeks, nine of the 101 entries have fallen by the wayside, while 15 have gone through the three weeks without taking a strike. Week 4 looks like a tough one...many of the entries staggering with two strikes will likely drop!
Prior results: 2002 || 2001

Fantasy Football Franchise History...see my complete won/lost record in fantasy football from my meager beginnings in 1996 to the powerhouse franchise of today!