- 09/17/00 23:17:06 | Comments: |
Tish - 07/28/00 18:02:13 My Email:tmeweaver2@aol.com Location: USA | Comments: Mauricio! Don't forget to keep in touch. I'm gonna miss you when the season is over....think you might come back next year? Gotta have another party soon...but, ummm...no tequilla this time...LOL |
BUTTERCUP_421 - 04/12/00 02:07:57 My Email:BUTTERCUP_421@YAHOO.COM Location: TEXAS | Comments: Hi Mauricio, just here signing your book and gonna check it out a little more.....talk to you later. Mary |
alvaro - 03/29/00 20:22:49 My Email:alvacas25@hotmail.com Location: NY | Comments: fufurufa de pueblo |
Gloria Díaz - 03/21/00 15:45:21 My Email:gldiaz@hotmail.com Location: Colombia | Comments: Quería comentarte que en verdad me parece muy buena tu página. Seguiré navegando con amor. OSHHHHH!!!!! |
Nikki D. - 03/20/00 22:30:52 Location: US | Comments: Your page is great, but when are you going to add your pic to the gallery? |