Welcome to the So Pas Cross Country Guestbook! Read some comments from people who you may or may not know.

joseph pham - 10/12/00 05:23:59
My Email:josephkpham@hotmail.com

Hey! Cool web page guys!!! Uhh....i think somebody forgot my name on the xc roster!!!!hehe! keep up the hard work! add some new pics!

Jeffrey Taylor - 07/08/00 23:40:31
My URL:/runstriders

Great page looks nice.

Willy Rittase - 06/13/00 19:36:55
My URL:http://famouswilly.freeservers.com
My Email:famouswilly@hotmail.com

hey nice page. I'm from Charlotte, NC and I found this page off of a link from Lou Nunez's page. Please visit my page and sign the guestbook! -later

Jason Redmond, Class of '93 - 06/11/00 06:05:43
My URL:http://web.missouri.edu/~jpr883/redmond.jpg
My Email:jpr883@mizzou.edu

Hey Larry, cool page! I'll be in So Pas later this summer, so if anyone wants to go running send me an e-mail. (Warning: I'm a little out of shape!)

Lou Nunez - 05/29/00 23:59:45
My URL:http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/~lnunez/runhs.html
My Email:lnunez@stevens-tech.edu

Great Web Page. I'll be giving you guys a link from my web page. Good Luck with the running!

Franklin Gomez - 03/12/00 08:34:40
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/lyricln/guzigoo/GuZigOO.html
My Email:GuZigOO@hotmail.com

Keep up the good running!

Pete Norman '64 - 01/07/00 17:49:05
My Email:pnorman@grant.k12.ca.us

Hello! Friday 7, Y2K What a surprise to see good old SPHS web page and find the cross country team. I ran cc and track '61-64. Our cc course was in the hills behind sp before they completed the urban renewal project (new houses). We had a really great hill course (1.8 mi l ague rules) and won the home meets, but did terrible on flat courses. Hill climbers use different muscles, than pounding on the flats. I still run, and prefer dirt and hills. Our longest training run was to the Rose Bowl and back. That was a bit too m ch. Back then in the '60's you were not allowed to drink water. Can you imagine that, the coach didn't want us getting sick. Needless to say we did drink water. Hey it is Friday and I teach Junior High, and they are starting to act up. Bye, Pete Norm n class of 64. Runner, hiker, mountain biker, backpacker.

Randyn Calvo - 08/04/99 06:50:48
My Email:nydnar@hotmail.com

Hey Larry! Great Page! Keep up the good work, and I'll keep you posted on the XC stuff!

Renee - 04/30/99 09:55:33
My Email:I don't have email

Hi everyone.

Don - 04/23/99 23:39:40


Joe - 04/23/99 22:48:06
My Email:Joe@yahoo.com

Hi, what a great web page. It's nice to see SP on the www map. If I can make the alumni race this summer, I'll come out.

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