Subject: Let the playoffs commence!!!
Playoff Fanatics,
Well, the BMSFFL regular season has come to a close. I have updated the
site with the playoff matchups for the first round. Below is the
breakdown of money for this year...
League Fees -- $900
High Score Payouts -- ($160)
Add/Drops -- $430
for a whopping total of $1170.
So the playoff payoffs are as follows...
First Round Losers -- $146.25 (each)
Stupor Bowl Loser -- $292.50
Stupor Bowl Chumpion -- $585.00
And what are the matchups??? for those too lazy to surf to the site???
Wily Weasels vs. Angry Amoebas
Feeney Flakes vs. Florida Fuegos
Remember, if you did not make the playoffs, you are still eligible to
get high score winnings for the last 2 weeks. If you'd like to see how
much you owe/will receive so far, go to Teams/Finances on the site. For
those of you RECEIVING money, I will not be sending out the funds until
I have received all the checks from those that OWE money. I will send
out a list breaking down these fees on the day after our season ends
(Dec. 19th).
So...what will happen in the first round of the playoffs??!!??
Can the upstart Flakes in their sophomore season defeat the defending
Can a group of single-cell organisms infect a group of rodents???
We'll see this weekend...stay tuned!!!
Dark lord
Subj: RE: Let the playoffs commence!!!
Date: 12/5/00 11:36:16 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Kevin
To: Sean and everyone else
I demand a recount! If we do enough recounts, I'm sure one of them will
show that I'm in the playoffs!
from Diggity Dogs:
The team now known as Diggity Dogs will drop this albatross of a moniker and
choose a new and more dynamic name for next season. This will guarantee a
return to post season play. As such we also cancel all debt of the team
Diggity Dogs, much like England did with the war debt after WWII.
For the present, this team can be referred to as "The team formerly known as
Diggity Dogs".
Thank you
That is all.
From Feeney Flakes
After having the Fuegos put up 100+ points on me this past weekend, I am hoping that his players are too tired to score this weekend!!
I think this first round game is a rematch of last years Stupor Bowl. In two seasons, the Flakes have yet to defeat the Fuegos (0-4). We're due, aren't we?!!
From Crunch:
I with the fourth best record in the league did not make the playoffs, all
because I was not in the sucky division. I am contesting the outcome of this
season, I want to be in the sucky division.
From Frank after 1st round:
84 points not to shabby. Good luck in tonight's game and the 42
point deficit. The winner will have to face Matt.
I wrote:
Well we shall see - let's hope that Baltimore kicks the crap out of Arizona
(a real possiblity!) - I also hope the Jets beat up on Detroit, and of course
how about that James Allen finally scoring not one, but two TDs!
Anyway, however it turns out, it's been a nice season. I miss not
being with you guys trash talking or analyzing the games on Monday... but for
I shall do my best to bring honor to the MOE division!!!
Frank wrote:
Think positive because I will not be able to handle Matt's big head for another year.
If you believe "youu cann dooo it" (from The Waterboy) you will.
Mike S wrote:
subj: The Point of No Return
So . . .
Keese is our division winner . . . Somehow that doesn't roll off my tongue
However, it certainly is true and, to be honest, he probably does have the best
of our group (all injuries included). However, that doesn't mean I have to like
it! On the
other hand, it was close right up to last weekend (if I had won I would have had
tiebreaker edge) so, as usual, a most interesting end of the season. I know
are in order and no matter how hard it is to say it, Congratulations Keith, you
earned it.
Now please go out and piss everybody off by winning the championship in spite of
from the "underachievers" division.
Paul and Frank - - there's always next year!
Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and its time to start your Christmas
Paul replied:
It is hard to say isnt it? Keith..winner...its just not right. But you are
right Mike, I do hope Keith now wins the whole enchilada.
I wrote:
My, My - what an outpouring of - support?? Well, I'm glad Mike has
graciously not asked for a recount. And after all, with all my years in the
league I deserve it (now I'm sounding like Bob Dole). Anyway, it was a fun
season. Anything can happen in the playoffs (witness the Flyers, but let's
hope I don't do THAT) so I'm looking forward to my best season so far and my
first playoff. I think I'll be playing Sean who has the best record. Wild
Card is to be decided this week: Mike F, Matt, or Dave all look like the
usual suspects.
Hey, my team is better than my record - just look at all the points you
all stacked up against me! (oops - now I sound like Matt from 2 years ago).
This was probably the most competitive division of the league, not like
Sean's (who almost got beat last week by Ellen - if only she had played
Muhammed - maybe the lineup was too confusing and she meant to ... sorry,
never mind, I'm rambling again.)
I'll do my best to beat those guys but my players are finally getting
some injuries (Martin, Biakabutuka) so let's hope by picking up Dilfer that
will decide it.
Hi Keese,
You're right, it was more just an outpouring, than actual support. It's just
difficult getting past those early days when you felt things were going well
because the teams your players were on were doing well, even though the players
were not!
Yes, I thought about legal action (I haven't had many opportunities this year
other than the Dave's delinquent dues debate debacle). Its actually pretty clear
to me that you haven't quite won the division yet. Logically, the division
winner is the team with the best division record. Our rules are vague on this
issue simply stating, "The top team in each of the three divisions and the
wildcard team at the end of the 14 weeks of the regular season qualify for the
playoffs". We have never really defined what determines the "top team" and I
don't know if we've had a situation before where the overall record and division
record would result in different division winners. Does this sound a little like
the popular vs the electoral college vote? Hummn, can you actually win more
games, but still lose the division? The NFL determines playoff qualifiers by
divisional record. The presidential election doesn't care who gets the most
votes. These are pretty powerful precedents. The legal team is chomping on the
However, I believe this is contrary to the best interests of the league. I think
most of us accept the idea that the division winner should be the team with the
best overall record, and I actually just wanted to make you nervous for a
moment. So, with this in mind, I now throw my full support to our divisional
winner KEESE GALOOTEY and wish you the best of luck!
PS Has your heart slowed down yet?
PSS Of course, I may change my mind and send my lawyers to the league offices
see more messages in "The Hoax" and "The Champ"...