Here is my Virtual Skating Club, where you can compete in figure skating competition without skates, and without any experience at all! Read the information below, join, and start skating!
Last Updated: 11-23-99 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern
What's New? 11-23: competition results and bios updated for Skate America, Skate Canada, and Nation's Cup
Come here to find out how competitions are run, which competitions are coming up, and what the results of past competitions were, with scores and programs available for some competitions.
Come here to find out all the members of the club: the skaters, the judges, and their names, ages, disciplines, countries, music, competitive histories, and more!
Members can come here to take the VFSC poll, judge in the judging booth, view our future plans, visit the message board, view live VFSC competition, get food for your skater, train your skater, view my awards, leave a suggestion, add info about their skater, chat with other members, and more!