Webrings and Websites

Figure Skating Webrings

This C & R's Ice Skating Webring site is owned by Nick Bond.
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This Figure Skating Webring site is owned by
Nick Bond

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Webring graphics designed by TrYnYtIPaGeS!!!

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Links to Other Figure Skating Role-Playing Games

The Upper Whachacallistan Fantasy Skating League
This is a really cool figure skating role-playing game where you create a skater by spending creation points.
Ice Academy
Visit the pro shop, schedule ice time, see a sports doctor, and compete in virtual competitions.
Figure Skaters' Academy
Visit this club with virtual facilities, and compete in singles or join with another skater and compete in pairs or dance!
Ice Champions
A figure skating role-playing game where you can get a job, some cyber money, and a cyber skater to compete in cyber competitions.
Internet Figure Skating Club
A figure skating club where you choose a level, a wacky cybercoach, and compete in virtual competitions.
Gold Blades Skating Academy
My cyberrival, with several neat features not available in the VFSC.
International Skating Role-Playing Federation
A neat figure skating role-playing game for you to check out.
Sheer Ice Academy
Choose a level, coach, and name, get rink points, and purchase skating supplies at the Sk8stop.
The Skating Circle
You can visit team rooms, join, and compete in competitions in this brand new skating club.
Virtual Skating League
Judge simulated competitions involving real ladies skaters to pass the long summer months.
Silver Blades Figure Skating Academy
A great new cyberskating club.
Totally Tara SIM Figure Skating Game
The first SIM figure skating game.
A figure skating role-playing mailing list.
Vote For Your Favorite Fictional Figure Skating Club
Cast your vote!

Links to Other Figure Skating Pages

Tiffany & Johnnie Stiegler Page
Lots of results, news, and other great info on Tiffany & Johnnie Stiegler.
Nothing But Skating
Great site with various stuff about skating.
Your first stop to find just about anything about skating and links to just about every other great skating site on the web.
Figure Skating World
The site with the biggest and best Figure Skating Bulletin Board and chat on the web!
Ladies' Figure Skating Page
A great site with all different stuff relating to figure skating, including a mystery skater and other neat features.
This neat site was formerly known as "Louis' Figure Skating Resources." It has all kinds of neat features including commentary, predictions, java trivia quizzes, and several other great pages.
Figure Skating Images
There are lots of figure skating and other images on this site.
The Figure Skating Corner
A great page with tons of results for national and international competitions, tons of links to skating pages all over the web, fan pages, and more!
Mallory's Skating World
This is a site about figure skating and nothing but. Get pointers from other skaters around the world, vote for your fave skater or add your link to my page and apply for the skating page of the month.
The Golden Skate
A great page with polls, a professional competition database, fan pages, a graphics shop, trivia, and more!
Toeloopy's Skating Photo Gallery and Arcade
Original skating photos (both pro and amateur, competition and exhibition) as well as games for skating fans.
Figure Skating Deductions
Come here to find all of the figure skating deductions.
The Official Upcoming Skaters Network
A website that has up and coming figure skaters with everything else you would want to know about figure skating.
Rochelle's Sk8 Page
A page with many features relating to figure skating including skater birthdays, polls, and more!
Figure Skating Network
A network of all different types of sites relating to figure skating!

Pages with Scoring for Figure Skating Competitions

Detailed markings are now up for several competitions here.
Scoring is available here for several events of last season as well as this seasons World Junior Championships.
Figure Skate Database
Tons of results and scoring from events of past seasons.
The Marks Page
I now have links to marks for lots of competitions on the marks page, as well as marks for two competitions which I have formatted myself.
This is probably the best skating results database on the web! You can search for results by skater or competition from many past seasons, and even search for jumps performed in competitions by any amateur skater!

Skater Fan Pages

Malinina Magic
A great page about Tatiana Malinina with all sorts of features relating to this great skater!
Lucinda Ruh: Swiss Spinning Sensation!
An awesome page about this awesome skater! :)
Naomi Nari Nam Fanpage
A very nice page about the up-and-coming Naomi Nari Nam!

Submit a Link

Add your link if you have a fictional skating club, page of results, or other figure skating-related site that you would like to see added to my site.