Play Drills

THROW-In, TRAP and DRIBBLE -- Great for younger kids

Bbegin by having about half your kids along a sideline and half at a cone at about 10 o'clock about 8/10 yards away. Basically set up a triangle. Have the kids do a running throw-in from the sideline towards an imaginary point between the cone and the sideline. The child at the cone runs from the cone, traps the ball and then dribbles around a cone set out parallel or a bit further down the sideline. He/she then dribbles down the sideline to prepare to do a throw-in.

Half-field Scrimmage - The standard offense versus defense can become a good drill if you set up small goals at the half line, almost on the sidelines, for the defense to shoot at. The defenders learn that they are not "done" just because they have moved the ball away from the goal. Rather, they discover that they actually become the first line of offense and that they must move the ball outside to get it up the field (instead of trying to jam it up the middle). (Skill developed: distribution of the ball from the defensive half.)

Cut-Throat - While this sounds a bit complicated, it is usually very popular with players. Break the team into partners or threesomes. The goal is to score on the goalkeeper with each partner set against every other partner set. The coach tosses out one or two balls; the players retrieve the balls and try to get off shots. If any member of a team scores, the team is out; the very last set to score is permanently out. Everyone else is back in for another round. This goes on until two 2 sets remain.

Small-sided games - One of my favorites is the "4-goals game." Both teams have 2 small goals at which to shoot. This drill helps in communication and reading game situations, because if one goal is too blocked up, heads-up play or a yell from a teammate will allow the ball to be switched to the other, more open goal.(Skills developed: communication, defense, anticipation.) See Figure 3.

Field Vision Game - Set up a field between 30 X 30 yards and 50 X 50. Split team/group in half (preferred) or thirds. Use 4 goals about 10 yds from the corner.
Scoring: Team scores by passing through the goals to a teammate. Any goal. There is no our and their goal. A team can't score consecutively at the same goal. Scores can go through the goal from either direction, just make sure the pass is received and controlled to count. Possession changes if ball goes out of bounds or stolen.
- Allow goals for dribbling through
- Use 2 balls

Passing - Split-passing - Good for all ages, as you can increase the difficulty or expectations of players as skill/age level gets higher. Form 30-yard circle of 10-12 players. Have 3 players inside with a ball each. Each player with a ball inside is seeking to get outside by passing to any player forming the circle (when you pass out, you take that person's place -- player receiving carries inside with the ball). CHALLENGE: You can only pass out by 'splitting' the other two balls. So you must dribble inside until you see a player outside to pass to, and the path of your pass will go between the other two balls (being dribbled or passed by the other two players inside).
Works DRIBBLING, PASSING (especially penetrating passing), COMMUNICATION, most importantly VISION.
Great introduction to skills for younger ages. For older/higher skilled - good active warmup: use only left or right foot; serve all balls in the air; any passes which hit another ball or player, or travel outside the circle cost shuttle runs after drill, add 4th ball. NEVER ALLOW THE BALL TO 'DIE' - players inside must continue to carry the ball - they can not stand and wait inside.


Warm Up Drills

Primer Drills