I saw the film last week - Even after all my friends were making fun of me going to a "Chick Movie"
I can honestly say I was blown away! Everything about the movie was incredible! The story, scenery....
Redford was amazing, as was the rest of the cast....
My prediction? Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actress, Original Song, Cinematography...
Hell, it's gonna clean up I figure...
Look at it this way....After seeing Titanic last year on opening day, I turned to my friend and called Best Picture and Director.
Anyhow....Enough of that....Here are some sound clips!
All the clips are taken from a special on E! Entertainment Network
Grace & Tom:"Are you afraid of anything....Tom Booker? About growing old....Not being much use...."
Tom:"Am I being too polite here when I say no in Nevada...Does that mean yes where you are?"
Robert:"Annie....This didn't just happen to you....."