Centre and attacking goal thirds are
areas Goal Attack can move.
Works and is, with the Goal Shoot,
able to shoot for goal.
Works closely with Wing Attack to
gain centre pass and feed Goal
Defends Goal Defence (one on one).
Skills required are being able to use
space wisely,
communicating with
Wing Attack, shooting and
* To improve your game in this
position you need:
* Enjoy the game you play.
because you want to, rather than
have to.
* Variety is the spice of life.
other activities that can compliment
your skill development and fitness
required for netball.
* When you are playing the game
stay positive.
Keep your thoughts in
the present rather than dwelling on
something you have done prior,
missing two shots in a row or
dropping the ball.
Work on the following skills to improve your play:
Work on the following skills to improve your play:
* turning in the air
* change of direction
* passing technique and variety
* elevation
* reading play
* hard, fast activity - sprints, speed of take-off