Team HandBall
Welcome to my webpage about one of my favourite sports - Handball! I am Smarties and I love handball (even though I am kinda sucks at it actually... ^_^')! But anywayz, I think handball is really a fun and exciting sport once you get to know about it better! By the way, this is also the motive or may be purpose I would say for me to make this homepage. ya! Way to go man, promote the sport! ....hehehe..... just kidding. However, I do hope that this page will help you to be able to get at least a brief idea about what Team Handball is about!

I will try my best to gather as much information as I could now and as well as in the future. =) More info is coming up and I hope a giant link of different handball pages around the world will be gathered shortly!

Team handball is originated from Germany, thereof much popular in European countries than here in Canada. In the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, countries such as Croatia, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Republic of Korea (South Korea) and Hungary did have had very outstanding performances. They were actually the top three in either men or women division.

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This page is first establihed in December 18, 1997. It is designed and maintained by Jessica.
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