My Turn At Bat

My Turn At Bat:
The Story of My Life

by Ted Williams with John Underwood (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1969, 1988) ISBN: 0-671-63423-2

A great read in Ted's own words that makes takes you from the sandlots of San Diego through the frustrations of managing the pathetic Washington Senators, with hundreds of fascinating anecdotes and pointed opinions interwoven throughout.

"I'm glad it's over.  Before anything else, understand that I am glad it's over.  I'm so greatful for baseball -- and so greatful I'm the hell out of it."  (p. 7)

Ted Williams: A Baseball Life

by Michael Seidel (Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1991) ISBN: 0-8092-4254-0

Seidel has written the definitive history of Williams' life in baseball.  Impeccably researched, the book is broken down by year from 1939 through 1960 and interlaces the details of Ted's career with contemporary events.

Summer of '49

by David Halberstam (William Morrow, New York, 1989) ISBN: 0-380-71075-7

After a heartbreaking World Series loss in 1946 and a crushing one-game playoff defeat for the American League title in 1948, the Red Sox seemed poised to overtake their hated rivals in New York and Cleveland in the summer of 1949.  Halberstam brings everyday of that incredible season to life and brings you up close to many of the great personalities involved, including Williams and DiMaggio.

Ted Williams: A Portrait in Words and Pictures

Dick Johnson and Glenn Stout, ed. (Walker and Company, New York, 1991), ISBN: 0-8027-1140-5

Highly readable with contributions from a whole bunch of writers that give a great overview of Williams' career. It's the photos included throughout the book, though, that make this one a must for your library.

For further study...

I have read the books above (a couple of times over) and therefore can recommend them wholeheartedly. A bunch of you have recommended more titles to me, both familiar and unfamiliar, which now constitute my reading list for the next year. If you would like to work ahead of me, here they are (in no particular order): Thanks to Alan Nathan for the publisher information.

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