Slopitch's Softball Page

Well, my good intentions of keepig this site up have fallen be the wayside due to my busy schedule. I hope you can find userful info here. My apologies for not being timely with email responses or no response at all. I think we all need a 36-hour day!

Any questions, comments, problems, etc. can be sent to can view this site without frames by clicking here and following the links at the bottom of each page.

Try out the 1-rep max calculator at the bottom of this page.

Kelly's Sports
Kelly's Ultimate Sports: DeMarini, Worth, Easton, and TPS Softball &Baseball Bats
Click on the Kelly's Sports Banner to enter the monthly bat giveaway,
request a printed catalog, or shop our secure online store.

demarini sports
Click to enter the extreme world of DeMarini Sports

My name is Tommy Spratlin. I live in Powder Springs, GA and started this site so that people like me who love softball would have a site with useful information, not just another page with a bunch of links propelling everyone into cyberspace. If there's something you'd like to see here, let me know & I'll do my best to accomodate you. If you know of a good softball equipment, weight training equipment, or nutrition/supplement company or a site with good, relevant information, etc., let me know so I can include that info here for everyone.

The goal of this site is to provide information I have and will be gathering regarding softball and sports in general. There are a lot of articles out here regarding hitting and weight training, & I will be adding more as time permits. I'm going to try to keep graphics to a minimum so that the pages will still load quickly. My goal is to maintain a site with practical and, hopefully, useful information and provide as comprehensive a softball page as possible. Sort of a "one-stop-shop" I guess you could say.

I can use all the input I can get from fellow fanatics and I can take criticism & suggestions with the best of 'em, so please mail me at I really hope you'll take the time to e-mail me, because I want this to be YOUR page, not just mine.

Husker Power calculator to figure your theoretical 1RM

A 1 RM is the maximum poundage that can be lifted for one repetition. The 1 RM can be actual or theoretical. This calculator allows the theoretical max to be determined based upon a formula that uses multiple reps and the poundage used. This will allow you to determine and track a 1 RM without actually performing a one repetion max each time.

Enter Reps Done:
Enter Poundage Used:

1RM =

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