Volleyroli - 01/09/00 23:32:01
My URL:http://www-gewi.kfunigraz.ac.at/talc2000
My Email:roli@mail-me.com
Country: Russia
Age: ca. über 23
Your favorite NBA Team: Houston Rockets
Hi Halvar! Was gibts Neues bei den Wickingern im Norden? Wo ist denn das Update Deiner Homepage? cu beim nächsten Training.
- 07/15/99 20:04:13
Jill - 06/30/99 03:19:15
Jill - 06/30/99 03:19:00
Harry - 04/10/99 16:32:58
My Email:harald.gehringer@computerhaus.net
Country: Austria
Age: 30
Your favorite NBA Team: The Jazz!
Huhu! Ist ja unheimlich ruhig hier...
Graf Wettex - 01/12/99 15:53:06
My URL:http://www.wenzl.vip.at/volleyball/vbv
My Email:roli@mail-me.com
Country: Austria
Age: 22
Your favorite NBA Team: Houston Rockets
Dere Horstl! How do you do? Wie waers mal mit 'nem Update Deiner web-site? Wann funktioniert deine mail-adress wieder? Ciao bis bald
Gabrielle - 12/27/98 09:26:45
My URL:http://nope.com
My Email:gabrielle@hongkong.com
Country: Hong Kong
Age: 14
Your favorite NBA Team: Jazz and Bulls
Huurman ( Netherland's No.3 )
She is good at heavy striking and blocking as she is very tall.
She is beautiful too.
well, I saw two matches of her playing in the women's vollyball world's championship,
but then I can't any news about her and her team,
I've search in many ways till now, but there seems no response. I really hope you guys can help me, if you got news and info or even links about the Netherland's women volleyball team or about Huurman's Please E-mail to me thanks.....
As also the news of Sun Yue ( China's No.11 )
and Barros ( Brazil's No. 8 )
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!
Your page is quiet a good one, but there is lack of the volleyball news !
T. Nguyen - 11/17/98 19:42:03
My URL:http://homepage.usr.com/t/thdr/
My Email:Thundervbc@juno.com
Country: USA
Age: Unknown?
Your favorite NBA Team: ?????????
Nice picture. Can you play Volleyball???
Harald Gehringer - 07/14/98 20:21:16
My URL:http://www.wenzl.at/volleyball
My Email:harald.gehringer@computerhaus.at
Country: Austria
Age: 29
Your favorite NBA Team: Utah Jazz (of course)
Hi Horsti!
War ja schon seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr da!
Wann gibt`s denn ein Update der huebschen Maedels? Oder hat da Nicki was dagegen? ;-))
Gruss nach Lassing aus dem montaenen Edlach!
Taeko Inoue aka Hanako - 03/22/98 20:01:30
My URL:/colosseum/stadium/3261
My Email:taekoi@usa.net
Country: Belize
Age: 15
Your favorite NBA Team: Don't watch basketball
Hey this is a wicked web page. Keep it up. Look me up sometimes on mirc. My nick is Hanako. See ya round
Sukru Haskan - 03/03/98 09:13:51
My URL:http://www2.bir.net.tr/sukru
My Email:shaskan@hotmail.com
Country: Turkey
Age: 15
Your favorite NBA Team: Chicago Bulls
Good page..
fuji - 02/27/98 16:59:03
My URL:http://bounce.to/fuji
My Email:fuji@cheerful.com
Country: Canada
Age: 26
Your favorite NBA Team: Chicago Bulls
Good start on your page! Have to get your picture page working. Want to join my volleyball web ring? Let me know when your page is completed.
Catch you on #volleyball
Mike Schimpl - 01/13/98 21:34:29
My Email:mschimpl@vip.at
Country: Austria
Age: 28 (muss das sein)
Your favorite NBA Team: Orlando Magic
HI Schwede!
This is mike speaking, open your eyes and ears, nice page, but !!!!, yes but you could improve it, what about Reece?.
See thou later - Mike
Tschitsch - 12/22/97 23:22:05
My URL:http://www.wenzl.at/rol
My Email:roli@mail-me.com
Country: Austria
Age: 21
Your favorite NBA Team: HOUSTON ROCKETS
Hi Horsti!
Wie geht's denn so? Was ist mit dem Update der Hoempage? Warum fahren wir nicht zum Turnier nach Klagenfurt? Zuerst alles ausmachen und dann wieder doch nicht fahren. Da kenne ich mich nicht mehr aus? ?????????
Harald Gehringer - 12/18/97 23:17:12
My URL:http://www.wenzl.vip.at/rol
My Email:harald.gehringer@computerhaus.at
Country: Austria
Age: 28
Your favorite NBA Deam: Minnesota Timberwolfes
Hi Horsti!
Huebsch ist die Homepage ja (noch) nicht, aber nur Mut, wird schon werden.