Two of us, Jason and Brian, are SNES Tecmo Bowl I veterans, the game which we are using for this league. Mike has played the NES Super Tecmo Bowl game. Andrew and his roomate, Brian #2, are true rookies to the Tecmo Bowl scene. We five are really the founders. Other players may come into the league, but those are the ones that started it all.
We had been scrimmaging for some time. We just got done with an addiction to the SNES game, Super Mario Kart. We were all looking to a new diversion. This is how the Tecmo Bowl League was born. Once we decided what game to use, SNES Tecmo Bowl I. It was most like the NES version, so everyone was able to adapt to it with no problems at all. (Jason has all three SNES versions) Then it was all downhill from there.
The stadium for our league is Lower Dewesse Room 110. Currently, Jason is the only one with a Super Nintendo, we will have to work on that.
Now the league has expanded. Jason's room is no longer the main stadium. Andrew and Brian #2's room has taken preferance mainly due to the fact that we ganked a 25" TV and the fact that Jason was sick of haveing all the games in his room. Jason made a swap for a second SNES, which has taken up residence in the same room as the big TV. We only have to be careful not to bounce around and reset the SNES. (That's a bad thing)
A home stadium has moved. Ever since the last pricking incedent, Andrew has become anti-social. So we took the TV out of his room. AS we explained it to Brian #2 (Andrew's roommate) "you do realize that this isn't personal, it's only business". He understood. So now Jason's second SNES is across the hall in Mike's room. As it stands now, the two stadiums are Deweese 110 and Gunz hall 108.