Sports Gaming Digest (8-24-98) Greetings Sports Gamers! First, I apologize to those of you who did not receive last week's digest on time, or at all. There were router problems at this end AND my email was screwy for a couple of days. I have posted the 8-17-98 SGD on the web and I can supply it if you missed it. Second, I've done some more work on the website lately in an effort to improve the content. The Contents page (.../contents.html) has more individual files pulled from various digests and covering a range of sports game topics. Sports Games Past & Present (.../gamelist.html) has been updated again and I still have more to add. I'm planning to broaden the coverage of computer games but I don't have much firsthand experience or knowledge in that area so I'll be looking for input. I'll pull together a list of the computer games that I do know about and ask for additions. The Sports Game Companies page (.../company.html) is expanding to include sports game magazines, such as SIDELINES, and websites connected to sports games but not necessarily affiliated with any particular company. I am not interested in fantasy sports but I'm open to suggestions for what website to include. Third, I've collected the data to develop a Fast Action Dice system for Statis Pro Baseball and I would like to know if anyone is interested in helping work out the system. The problem is that I'm missing the rules from my SPBB game and I'm not sure that I'll remember every situation where FACs are used. Anyone care to spend some time on this proiject? And lastly, I never cease to be amazed at the ACTION on eBay. I entered an auction over the weekend for 1972 season SI Pennant Race when the price was amazingly low. In less than 48 hours, the price had skyrocketed to $152.50 with several days still to run. I owned a copy of this game long ago. Bought it for about $10, sold it many years ago for about the same. Still regret that decision. Regards, Jim Gordon *************************** From: "mikesimmons"Subject: Statis-Pro Football Jim, I just got a E-Mail from Neville Hughes the originator of the Statis-Pro Football for Windows he has upgraded the game somewhat and looks like he plans on a few more updates. He also E-Mailed me and said he wasn't planning on any new seasons or old seasons. I hope he changes his mind maybe someone out there can write a program for Statis-Pro Baseball or Basketball for Windows. Does anyone out there feel the same let me here from you. Mike Simmons [Really too bad. I was hoping he would pursue the computer SP line and perhaps approach Hasbro to market it, if they have any intention of expanding into the computer sports game arena.--JCG] ************************* From: (Mike Owens) I have the following items for trade: 1977-1984 Strat-o-matic baseball teams (include extra players) 1975 Strat-o-matic baseball teams (no extra players) - original Reprinted Strat-o-matic baseball 1930, 1950, 1956, 1961, 1962, 1968, 1969, 1970 Pursue the Pennant (includes most game parts and charts) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1982 playoffs , 1984 Detroit Ball Park teams , charts, ballparks and all game parts I am looking for the following items: Strat-o-matic Football 1984, 1987, 1988, 1990 Strat-o-matic hockey (must include extra players) 1985-86, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1990-91 Faceoff Hockey (92-93) Landsports Strat-o-matic basketball 1987-88 1992-93 Paydirt Football Seasons 1973-1978 [Note: 1973 and 1974 were never produced--JCG] 1983-1985 1988-1992 Bowl Bound Please e-mail me or phone Mike Owens days 204-944-0143 evenings and weekends 204-233-2519 ***************************** From: mike keeley Hi Jim, What did you think of the Solitaire Pro Football game. I hope you can eventually add it to your list of table top games past and present. I would consider it an honor to be in that list. By the way, my new e-mail address is: Thanx. Mike Keeley [I've taken a stab at playing your game and I will say that it is a unique concept. The emphasis really in on "solitaire" since the game system determines the action for both sides. So far I haven't spent much time with it and I haven't grasped the whole system to the point where I can play the game efficiently. It is an intriguing idea and I'll have more to say soon. BTW, you have been added to the ever expanding Sports Games Past & Present and the Sports Game Companies lists.--JCG] *************************** From: "D., K., P. Premo" Jim, As you know, I am adding a quick-play track and field game to my line of fast-action games. I would like to request some help from your readers: is anybody interested in being a playtester for my fast-action track & field game? I only need a couple, but I must ask that potential playtesters be familiar with my fast-action line and that they be very familiar with track and field. If interested, please contact me directly: Thanks. Patrick Premo **************************** From: Mike Kenny Hello Jim, You were asking about a mechanism to limit player activity and what impact if used to much. Well thats a tough one My suggestion would be possibly time the player played maybe using there actual stats. Like after so many minutes of playing time the players stats would be affected. The way Lance Haffner did it with basketball was each player started the game with a certain amount of "power pellets" and each time the player shoots,gets a rebound, or commits a foul(Except if he's down to his last 1 then he gets it back) the number decreases by one. Then at some point the player becomses tired and he can continue to play but once he reaches 0 he becomes exhausted and all aspects of the players game is affected. One more thing the last two minutes of the game and OT fatigue is not a factor in the game. I agree with you Jim on choosing (both) for the assist thing. I really enjoy reading the Digests keep up the great work. Mk [I'm still angling for a simple system that requires little record keeping. A primary objective is a game that plays quickly, at the cost of some detail. The average minutes per game for each player does seem like a good element to focus on but I would hate to have to track the number of minutes a guy spends in the game. Still contemplating the options.--JCG] *************************** END DIGEST 8-24-98
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