Alternate Uses
Bubble Bath
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Uses for Skin So Soft

Everyone knows how great Skin So Soft makes you feel after a bath (whether using original, soft & sensual, or MY favorite - light and lush), but how many other practical uses are you aware of? This information used with the expressed permission of &rea's Avon. Please note that Avon does not endorse this product as anything other than a bath oil. These uses were collected by Representatives over the years and compiled for your reference.

  1. By design, it's a bath oil and after-shower moisturizer.
  2. It removes make-up (any kind but we recommend using Avon color!)
  3. A hot oil treatment that softens cuticles and nails.
  4. Great massage for tired muscles (hand a bottle to your spouse and put them to work).
  5. A few capfuls added to liquid soap creates a great homemade shaving lotion.
  6. Tanning oil (but not a sunscreen).
  7. Soothes minor burns and light sunburn.
  8. Cleans off tape marks from bandages on skin.
  9. Removes chewing gum from hair.
  10. Removes the adhesive left behind by stickers on glass, metal, & most plastics.
  11. Removes gum and candle wax from clothing, furniture, and carpet.
  12. Removes ink, paint, oil, and grease from skin.
  13. Rubbed on hands before washing, it helps get them cleaner.
  14. Applied to cracked, bleeding skin, it promotes healing in 2-3 days.
  15. Relieves the itching from bug bites.
  16. Spray on air conditioner filters to freshen the air.
  17. Remove a hornet's nest, then spray with SSS to ensure they won't rebuild.
  18. Sponge it around doors, windows, and on screens to keep bugs out.
  19. Mixed in your cleaning solution for cabinets (which should include Avon Bubble Bath) to keep ants out.
  20. Great cleaner and conditioner for natural wood and leather.
  21. Use to clean windows.
  22. Removes soap scum.
  23. Removes Removes lime and hard water deposits.
  24. Rub on brass objects to help keep them from turning dark.
  25. Removes crayon from most surfaces.
  26. Removes ink from vinyl and painted surfaces.
  27. Removes heavy oil and grease from non-porous surfaces.
  28. Cleans paint brushes easily and leaves them as soft as new.
  29. Oil lubricant for fitting pipe joints that won't slip together.
  30. A capful in the washer acts as a fabric softener and bug repellent.
  31. It's a great insect repellent (or you can use Bug Guard, the actual SSS repellent)
  32. Removes tar spots from automobiles without damaging paint
  33. Cleans and conditions automotive vinyl
  34. Shines vehicle tires
  35. Open a towlette and use as an automotive air freshener.
  36. Mixed with pet's bath water (which should include Avon Bubble Bath), it removes fleas.
  37. Mix 5 parts water, 1 part SSS and mist on animals to keep coats shiny and continue to repel fleas.