All content Copyright, 2004, Mike Huovila.

November 1, 2004

November 1 is a holiday in France. Nice. So I got off to a good start. I am actually sticking with my plans for my story that I made in October. It is about a cop, Frank Fixton. It will be a sci-fi world, but so far you can't tell. It will present itself in the next chapter or two. Right now the only thing I have different than today's world is a "data partner" that each cop carries with him or her. It is a device that connects each cop up with dispatch and allows them to get data on suspects, etc quickly. You can get video information of a suspect or "fax" in a suspects fingerprints using the thing. Quite a nice device. I think that I am off to a good start. For my excerpt, I picked the first few paragraphs. These paragraphs took me a little bit of time to write. I guess I hadn't hit the flow of things yet. But then the story kind of took over. It did what I wanted it to do in the first chapter though. So have a look.


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