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Sex: Male Female
How often do you have sex? I don't Once a day Once a week Once a month Once a year None of your fucking business!
How often do you have sex with someone other than yourself? I don't Once a day Once a week Once a month Once a year Still none of your fucking business!
Tell Ernie what you think of his Web-Page!
Layout: Layed-out like Doug Shattuck's room Fair Good A masterpiece!
Ease of reading: Something that Larry Beaulac would do OK Very easy to follow
Pictures: Too many Needs more Just right
How many times have you visited the Ernie Ervin Web-Page: My first visit 1-10 times 11-25 times 25 or more
Will you come back for future updates? Better chance seeing Jesus Of Course I Will I'll think about it
Have you ever met Ernie? God no Lucky to say Yes
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