wardo - 06/21/00 11:38:45
My Email:wardzosta@aol.com
Your Favorite Ernie Picture: hanging brain
Your Favorite Ernie Lie: uncle guessing # of boards in condo complex, within 2 or 3 boards!
Have you ever met Ernie?: lived w/ him
great site-
keep up the good work!!
Class of 1997 Alumni - 11/05/99 23:56:06
My Email:hmcbrinn@aol.com
Have you ever met Ernie?: Of course
Hi Ernie,
I'm looking for Pat Sullivan's e-mail address. If you have it could you e-mail me at hmcbrinn@aol.com. And by the way, great job on the web page!
- 11/05/99 23:26:08
Have you ever met Ernie?: Yes
Could you help me find Sully's email address?
- 10/26/99 04:58:44
Your Favorite Ernie Lie: you didnt blow the landlord
you gotta be gay!
Sully - 10/23/99 09:43:49
Al Lund - 06/09/99 16:27:08
Your Favorite Ernie Picture: Beetles Cover
Your Favorite Ernie Lie: Air Force One
Have you ever met Ernie?: Yes
Classic stories
George and Hannah - 02/16/99 15:56:02
My URL:http://www.rackemup.com
My Email:angus@mathworks.com
Your Favorite Ernie Picture: the floating head
Have you ever met Ernie?: yes
ernie is a heiser wannabe.
Larry Beaulac - 02/13/99 20:36:42
My URL:http://www.StupidFrenchman.com
My Email:LarryB@DumDum.com
Your Favorite Ernie Picture: huh?
Your Favorite Ernie Lie: huh?
Have you ever met Ernie?: Did he live on Daniel Plummer Road?
How many mattresses do you have, Ernie?...uh, do you live here?...uh, uhhh, ummm, huh?...what happened to the lightning-rods?...That "Hawthorne" kid tried to kill me!...uh, ummm, uh, duh...
Scott F - 02/13/99 20:23:00
My Email:It's on the Alumni Page
Your Favorite Ernie Picture: All of them!
Your Favorite Ernie Lie: All of them!
Have you ever met Ernie?: You betcha!
Great page Ernie! Where did you find such a genius to create your page? Keep up the good work!