Welcome to the
Updated - 25/05/98
News -
Well, we have the 30 teams but the problems mount. First, there were errors with the team files. Eventually those were sorted out, but the next problem was that SWOS can only have 24 teams in 1 DIY tournament.
However, after much scratching of heads, we have a format for the Division 1 Championships - 2 leagues of 15 teams who play each other once. Top 4 from each league play off in a knock-out tournament (quarter finals & semi finals over 2 legs) until the best 2 play in the Grand Final.
So, here are the groups and (fingers crossed) the first games will be played this week (I've started the leagues twice now, and have found a mistake after 5 or 6 games each time, and had to start again).
If you want to contact me, send an e-mail to david.little@gecmf.capital.ge.com
have checked out the tournament site since it began.
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