Steve Veidor

brief biographical details



Birthday - 10 January

Star sign - Capricorn

Competition weight - 220lbs

Height - 6' I1/2"


Steve Veidor, heavyweight , from Wirral, Cheshire, England was a P.T.I. in the Royal Airforce

and while in the Services took up amateur wrestling.


The Who's Who of Wrestling, (Joe D'Orazio and Pam Edwards) reported in 1971 - "He is married and with wife Jenny has three children. He trains with weights and road work and regular periods of weight training. He has won the Royal Albert Hall trophy on three occasions. When Billy Robinson's British Heavyweight title was declared vacant owing to his lengthy stay abroad, it was Steve Veidor and Rocky Wall who reached the final for the championship. On that occasion Wall won and Veidor is considered to be number one contender. Steve has wrestled all over Europe and now fancies a trip to Japan and U.S.A"


Steve has worked in films,  television game shows and commercials.

In 1968 he appeared, with US wrestler Ricky Starr in the film, The Touchables ,directed by Robert Freeman.



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