Hey people! Drop this cheerleader a line! Read what others had to say about this page! *gulp!* =) Thanks for signing the guestbook!

Go back to Cheer Heaven!

Hannah Fehrman - 11/13/00 00:36:34
My Email:Fehrman@soccer.com
Favorite Sports Team: USa womens soccer
Are you a cheerleader, too?: sort of I will be in a very soon time so I guess yes
Are you hungry?: 11

I really like this site and me and my friends have to start from scratch to make a cheerleading team so this page really helped. Hannah

Hannah Fehrman - 11/13/00 00:36:15
My Email:Fehrman@soccer.com
Favorite Sports Team: USa womens soccer
Are you a cheerleader, too?: sort of I will be in a very soon time so I guess yes
Are you hungry?: 11

I really like this site and me and my friends have to start from scratch to mack a cheerleading team so this page really helped. Hannah

Hannah Fehrman - 11/13/00 00:36:10
My Email:Fehrman@soccer.com
Favorite Sports Team: USa womens soccer
Are you a cheerleader, too?: sort of I will be in a very soon time so I guess yes
Are you hungry?: 11

I really like this site and me and my friends have to start from scratch to mack a cheerleading team so this page really helped. Hannah

Heather Angel Yeung - 10/29/00 17:14:03
My URL:http://heatheryeung.homestead.com/heather.html
My Email:Hyperheather7@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Dont have one
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Nopes (we dont have cheerleading in our school)
Are you hungry?: 15

i just wanted to say great page. i was lookin at ur chants and they are great! thanx so much! luv heather angel yeung

Rhiannon - 09/17/00 03:35:07
My URL:http://pages.about.com/ctadah/rhirvhscheer.html
My Email:CTadah@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: Competitive Cheerleading
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes
Are you hungry?: 15

Nice page, nice design!

Amber - 09/04/00 19:51:27
Favorite Sports Team: Panthers GO!!!!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Oh Yeah
Are you hungry?: 13

I just want to say that this site is awsome

Brittany - 08/26/00 20:00:24
My Email:icyunv33@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: Lions
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yep
Are you hungry?: 12

hi! My name is Brittany.As you might already know,School is starting back up and I am already nervous about tryouts.I mean last year is was in competitive now I am very worried about doing back hand springs and stuff because I broke me ankle last year.I a stumped.Any advice on how do beat the butterflies??

Josh - 07/19/00 17:37:45
My Email:Stewart20hdfan
Favorite Sports Team: Buffalo Bills
Are you a cheerleader, too?: no
Are you hungry?: 14

hey hows it goin I like your website and it is neat

Jenna - 07/13/00 04:21:01
My URL:http://cheercrazy.cjb.net
My Email:cheergirl53@hotmail.com
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 13

hey, I luv ur page! Visit mine sometime!

ANNIE - 05/07/00 04:39:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/zine/78Zemmer/index.html
My Email:t2554@triton.com
Are you a cheerleader, too?: coach
Are you hungry?: don't ask

Loved your site! Have a lot of good information and I can see you have been working hard. Are you linked at Cheerleading.Net? You should be! Please link with our web page. http://www.angelfire.com/zine/78Zemmer/index.html

Esse - 05/01/00 09:53:44
My Email:essedeves@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Eagles
Are you a cheerleader, too?: no
Are you hungry?: 12

Hello! That was really a great help because I needed some cheers cos I'm a sports captain of the team and we needed some new cheers! Thanx lots!! From Esse

LUCY - 04/27/00 20:44:43
My Email:kandy_k_69@yahoo.com
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yeah
Are you hungry?: 14 1/2

hey im sord of nevous cuz were having our high school tryouts coming up real soon ive been a cheerleader for 2 years if you have any advise please send it to me at kandy_k_69@yahoo.com bye thanx

tierney - 04/11/00 02:39:40
My Email:t_rigsby@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: dontknow
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 13

your website is so cool!!!!!!

Melanie Munson - 04/09/00 16:14:06
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/spirit/melanie12
My Email:melaniemunson@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Yoakum Bullpup's Football Team!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: No, not yet but I try out April 20!
Are you hungry?: 12

This is a great link! Come see mine soon!

Miranda - 04/03/00 23:35:31
My Email:snicker_doodle2006@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Lakers
Are you a cheerleader, too?: I will be soon(I hope)
Are you hungry?: 12

Hi! I really like you site. I'm trying out for the Hillsboro cheerleading squad soon and I really hope I will make it!

Betty Johnson - 04/01/00 20:52:36
My Email:KJMoonandStars
Favorite Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes!!!!!!!
Are you hungry?: 15

Your page is great. It has great new cheers and chants. I must tell the rest of my squad about this page.

- 04/01/00 20:50:02
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes


Jon Dressler - 03/06/00 14:33:07
Favorite Sports Team: DALLAS COWBOYS
Are you a cheerleader, too?: NOPE. . .FOOTBALL PLAYER
Are you hungry?: 15

I saw your webpage and I thought it was really cool. . . :0) . . .You did a good job. . .If you ever want to talk about anything e-mail me...THANX

Jon Dressler - 03/06/00 14:31:28
Favorite Sports Team: DALLAS COWBOYS
Are you a cheerleader, too?: FOOTBALL PLAYER
Are you hungry?: 15

I saw your webpage and I thought it was really cool. . . :0) . . .If you ever want to talk about anything e-mail me. . .C/ya

Jordan - 02/13/00 04:08:02
Favorite Sports Team: DALLAS COWBOYS
Are you a cheerleader, too?: not yet
Are you hungry?: 13 in may

I really enjoyed your site and, I have to say that you did a really good job on you site. I have sent an email to my best friend telling her what a wonderful site this is. I just have to say that you are very lucky to have made it for cheerleading 3 times in a row. c-ya later

Channing Martin - 02/08/00 21:23:40
My Email:channing113@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: OSU Cowboys
Are you a cheerleader, too?: no i am going to try out when i can.
Are you hungry?: 12 right now but i act real mature

I found your URL. And I am only in 6th grade but you gave me some good tips. I am going to try out in 7th grade. I do practice and i do hope I make it. You and me I think have a lot in common. Thanx I will right back after try outs. P.S.: Who ever wants to give me some tips please just e-mail me.

Angie Squarey - 02/04/00 16:04:18
My Email:asquarey1@excite.com
Favorite Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 17

Your web page is really cool. I liked reading it and getting ideas for our squads page. I am a member of the 1999-2000 St. James Regional High Cheerleaders. AWSOME PAGE~~

Shaun - 01/29/00 04:21:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nv/eboy/index1.html
My Email:eboy2345@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Bulls
Are you a cheerleader, too?: nope
Are you hungry?: 15

U gots a tight site. And girl, ur pretty hot 2. Ne way, i just wanted 2 say nice page.

Tierra Sundy - 01/26/00 17:46:06
My Email:Tgsun0@east Ky.Net
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 11

I was just saying that i love Cheer Heaven and that i wish you could put some more cheers on the page

Jen - 01/24/00 00:30:45
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/cheerjen
My Email:jen_227@hotmail.com
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yep!
Are you hungry?: 14

This is a cool page! Please visit mine!

Buffy - 01/15/00 20:05:01
My Email:Bethdi699@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: Miami Dolphins
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Use to be for bout6 years
Are you hungry?: 17

I think it's kewl you have a website for cheerleaders. Keep up the great job.

Tanya - 01/14/00 21:30:31
Favorite Sports Team: vikings
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes (basketball)
Are you hungry?: 14


dellany - 01/12/00 23:48:24
My Email:leighann316@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: cheerleading
Are you a cheerleader, too?: second year
Are you hungry?: 13,8th grade

this website is awesome.alot of the cheerleading websites have those animated jumps,where did you find them,they are so cute

you suck - 01/12/00 02:24:42
My URL:http://www.yousuck.com
My Email:yousuck@biteme.com
Favorite Sports Team: they all suck
Are you a cheerleader, too?: not only no, but HELL NO!
Are you hungry?: 16 and a fucking half

you suck big cocks.

JES CHEER SQUAD - 01/07/00 00:14:00
Favorite Sports Team: Grizzlies!!!!!!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 14

Sup Small Squads Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JES GRIZZLIES FOREVER!!!!!!!!

amy - 01/02/00 17:13:49
My Email:flyfishi@yahoo.com
Favorite Sports Team: anything soccer
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 16


Megan Layton - 11/29/99 21:39:02
My Email:laytonm@mindspring.com
Favorite Sports Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Are you a cheerleader, too?: No,not yet.
Are you hungry?: 11

Hello Everybody!!!!!!!!!

B.J.Wray - 11/08/99 03:10:48
My Email:bjmarie87@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: cheerleadering
Are you a cheerleader, too?: no
Are you hungry?: 12

This is a very nice site to visit!!!!!!

Cherish Phillips - 11/07/99 02:29:16
My Email:cherrieberrie4@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Dolphins
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 13

I think you've down a great job with your web page and and i have took soem of the cheers and we us them now @ basketball games!!

MALAYA JOHNSON - 11/03/99 02:46:04
My Email:finegurl16@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Purdue cheerleadering squad
Are you a cheerleader, too?: YES, FOR 3 YEARS NOW
Are you hungry?: 16


jenni malloy - 10/30/99 00:54:37
My URL:www.marybutterworth .net
My Email:sunfoxydoll@icqmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: edmonton eskimos cheerleaders!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: YEAH!
Are you hungry?: 13

okay cheerleading rocks and is the best sport i have ever participated in, i love it and enjoy it! KICK A$$ cheerleaders!!! email me!

Shaunna Marie - 10/30/99 00:53:38
My URL:http://www.marybutterworth.net
My Email:sunfoxy-doll@chickmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: edmonton eskimos cheerleaders!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: YEAH!
Are you hungry?: 12 going 13

okay cheerleading rocks and is the best sport i have ever participated in, i love it and enjoy it! KICK A$$ cheerleaders!!! email me!

Jenni Malloy - 10/30/99 00:50:52
My URL:http://www.marybutterworth.net
Favorite Sports Team: Edmonton Eskimos
Are you a cheerleader, too?: YES!!!!!! :)
Are you hungry?: 13

Cheerleading kicks ass!!!!!

Jenni Malloy - 10/30/99 00:49:13
My URL:http://www.marybutterworth.net


Kelly - 10/22/99 23:37:02
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/sports/cheer22/pridetime.html
My Email:kelly62286@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: florida gators
Are you a cheerleader, too?: oh yeah!
Are you hungry?: 13

Very cool webpage, I love the graphics. Please visit my webpage at http://www.gurlpages.com/sports/cheer22/pridetime.html and sign my guestbook!!!

NICOLE - 10/22/99 00:24:16
Favorite Sports Team: GREENBAY
Are you a cheerleader, too?: YEAH
Are you hungry?: 14


Tiffany - 10/14/99 01:24:59
My Email:dx2004@mailcity.com
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yeah

Whats up people

Tiffany - 10/14/99 01:23:43
My Email:dx2004@mailcity.com
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yeah
Are you hungry?: 14

Whats up people

Chelsea - 10/09/99 21:12:34
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes
Are you hungry?: 12

I like cheerleading.This is my fourth year.

india - 09/10/99 17:22:03
My Email:tohot4u30@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: greenbay
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 15

i love this site and i used some of the cheers that are here. we cheerleaders are the best!

Savannah - 09/06/99 22:20:05
My Email:AKsugs@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: Chugiak Mustangs (CHS)
Are you a cheerleader, too?: soon to be
Are you hungry?: 14


Stacey - 08/25/99 00:59:49
Favorite Sports Team: Football
Are you a cheerleader, too?: No. A new cheer coach.
Are you hungry?: 34

Thanks for the great site. I've been searching the web trying to find some help for the young girls I'm coaching for Pop-warner. Everyone wants to sell something. Your's was the first honest cheerleading site I've found. Thank you! Thank you! Thank y u!! Stacey :-)

TICKET NUESTRO - 08/24/99 04:06:59
My Email:heaven.earth@eudoramail.com
Favorite Sports Team: many
Are you a cheerleader, too?: i wish to be one
Are you hungry?: 11

im not allowed to join cheerings and whatsoever of thesame kind, though i really want to... i cannot do anything about it!!!! not that i can sometimes access the net i am trying to enjoy most of it....

Tyechia Evans - 07/16/99 18:31:34
Favorite Sports Team: New York Knicks
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 16

I really enjoyed this website. Whoever made it did a really great job. PHS Cardinals are too hot!!!

Heidi Davis - 07/09/99 20:58:42
Favorite Sports Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yup
Are you hungry?: 17

Cheerleading is the best thing to be involved in. It takes creativity, hard practice, and a lot of dedication. I have been cheering since little league, and it's been the best part of highschool to me.

Ashley Benson - 06/01/99 18:49:57
Favorite Sports Team: Don't have one
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yeppers
Are you hungry?: 15

Cheerleaders rule!!!! I luv cheer and want everyone else to keep on cheering!!!!!!1

Kate Johnson - 05/31/99 02:09:30
My Email:CheerFHMS@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: Wildcats
Are you a , too?: yes duh!
Are you hungry?: 13

Cheer 4 Life!

- 05/31/99 02:08:33


Kristen - 05/13/99 22:57:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Inlet/8356/cheer.html
My Email:cheer_4_wrestling@chickmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Hannibal Pirate Wrestling Team
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes of course
Are you hungry?: 17

Great page! Please come and visit mine and please sign my guestbook

JoEllen - 05/06/99 15:14:28
My Email:cowgirlup@g-brooks.zzn.com
Favorite Sports Team: Football (49ers!!!)
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes
Are you hungry?: 15; turning 16 in september

I really LOVE this site! It rules!

jacquie - 05/04/99 13:44:28
My Email:Chacotaco7@hotmail.com


Aileen - 04/24/99 19:23:57
My Email:none
Favorite Sports Team: alot
Are you a cheerleader, too?: heck yea!
Are you hungry?: 13

i like your homepage it rules! :)

Kristin - 04/22/99 18:36:24
My Email:Akatbt
Favorite Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 13

I love cheerleading!!! This is sooooo cool that you have this web sight for us cheerleaders or wanna be cheerleaders a chance to learn before we really know if we want to be in. COOL: Kristin

JULIA SILVA - 04/22/99 17:06:53
Favorite Sports Team: WV MOUNTAINEERS
Are you a cheerleader, too?: COACH
Are you hungry?: 42


Nickie - 04/19/99 00:22:28
My Email:Nichole001@yahoo.com
Favorite Sports Team: Football
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes!
Are you hungry?: 15

I have been a cheer leader for 3Yrs. and think it is great you've created this site!

Stacey Bryant - 04/16/99 18:20:01
My Email:n/a
Favorite Sports Team: Williamsburg Jackets
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 19

Cheerleading has been my life for 8 years, And I think everyone (girl & boy) should give it a try!! I am a senior in high school, and I plan on going to college and becoming a cheerleader... But never let my squad down, I'll come back to help the new coac !!

Lacey Ballman - 04/06/99 00:40:01
My Email:mark_ballman@yahoo.com
Favorite Sports Team: SDSU cheer squad
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 13

Cheer is life for me. I can't wait until I try out for high school next year. This year was awesome for me because my squad won the west coast championships at Disneyland.

Jenna Milller - 03/19/99 00:16:11
My Email:TMiller6@Highland.net
Favorite Sports Team: Tennessee Vols
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 11

I Need To Work On My "JUMPS"What Can I DO????????

Joanie - 02/27/99 21:21:23
My Email:Joanie_14@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Don't have one
Are you a cheerleader, too?: YES (all my life)
Are you hungry?: 14

Your page is cool! I liked you examples of the jumps. Im going to send you some cheers and chants.

Brynn Gaither - 02/23/99 17:47:00
Favorite Sports Team: SF 49'ers
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes(I'm between seasons and will be trying out for our high school's JV sqaud)
Are you hungry?: 14

I think you'r website is great!! (I also want to be an actress when I'm older.)

Kacia - 02/19/99 00:44:49
My Email:all4cheering@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: The Braves!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes
Are you hungry?: 13

Great webpage!I love to cheer and it's about time that we get some respect!!!!!I'll luv cheerleading 4-ever!!!!!!

Colleen - 01/28/99 14:04:01
My URL:http://www.slumlordz.com/ourgirl/index.htm
Favorite Sports Team: Penn State Cheerleading
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes

Great Page! Stick with cheerleading - it has opened up a lot of doors for me, and is also a great place for me to express myself. You can also use it to make some good money if you find the right avenue's. Good Luck!

Jessica - 01/25/99 02:16:55
My Email:Jessikaz_place@hotmail.com
Favorite Sports Team: Devils.........nah! They are second....East Bladen Cougars, ALL THE WAY, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yeah, sure, why not, you know.............I've been a cheerleader for -125 years
How old are you?: 14

Hey! Did I lie enough?...............For all you people out ther, Lindsey forgot to mention something,....me. I'm her very bestest friend in the world. This is a groovy page. Well, the frig is calling....................Gotta go.......Love yas. Bye!

Monica :-) - 01/09/99 02:57:51
My URL:http://home.infospace.com/h.p/monica2
My Email:mon1122@yahoo.com
Favorite Sports Team: DEVILS!!!!!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: No, just like watching!
How old are you?: 14

Hey Lindsey!! Great page! It's very cool that you created such a neat site! :-) Hope I can talk to ya soon!!! Later, Monica

Vickie - 12/19/98 18:54:27
My URL:sorry, none
My Email:Summer2333@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: Chicago Bulls
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yeah baby!
How old are you?: 15

Cheerleading is the sport of today!!

Dawn C. Ashley - 12/17/98 14:57:08
Favorite Sports Team: Colonels
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes, for 10 years
How old are you?: yes

I LOVE CHEERING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CHEERING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CHEERING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Corinne - 11/27/98 00:42:15
Favorite Sports Team: ohio state
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes.For 8 years
How old are you?: 14

I just want to say the this is a very nice web site and I have been cheering for 8 years

Lisa Allgaier - 10/17/98 16:27:45
My Email:dketchum@remc12.k12.mi.us
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes
How old are you?: 16

I Have been a cheerleader for four years now and this is the first time i have found a site like this. This is Awesome. Cheerleaders Rock the House!!! Oh Yeah!!! Lisa

Lindsay - 10/01/98 16:25:08
My URL:http://www.coolchat.com/coolpages/CoolCity/1961.html
My Email:RHSJV98@aol.com
Favorite Sports Team: RedWings
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes!!!!
How old are you?: 15

Hi Lindsey!! (Nice name) Well you have a really awesome page!! It sounds like your squad is really awesome too! I am a JV cheerleader for my highschool. Like you, it's also my first year in highschool. Does your team compete at the Palace of Auburn Hills competition?? Well we do so if you do I hope to see your team there! Well I have been cheerleding since 3rd grade which means I have been cheering for 8 years. My older sister who is a senior is on Varsity. Well I alson have a web page on cheerleading so come visit it and tell me what you think!! : )

Justine - 08/24/98 02:12:33
Favorite Sports Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Are you a cheerleader, too?: of course!!!!!!!
How old are you?: 13

I think this page is really neat! I love it and you seem like a really nice dedicated cheerleader. Goodluck with schooland cheerleading! Love Justine

Lori D. - 06/26/98 23:46:28
My Email:dayware@shasta.com
Favorite Sports Team: The Bulldogs!
Are you a cheerleader, too?: 5th year as H.S. Coach
How old are you?: OOPS! Better not tell!!

This is just what a coach wants; squad members with great attitudes and full of spirit. I hope to pass on some new cheers and chants for your use. I have used many new cheers and chants that I have taken from the net. What Fun. Remember to always have a positive attitude and support your teams with positive spirit. Smile girls smile. Coach D.

Bridgett Meadows - 06/09/98 01:35:58
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/r/i/bridgett84.html
My Email:bridgettmeadows@hotmail.com
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Sports Team: cheerleading
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yep! I'm captain!!
Are you hungry?: No, Why???

This is a great homepage I really enjoyed it because of the fact that you are my age and it's not a college page!I'm also the captain of our cheerleading squad!We r also the Devils and we are blue and white too!!We have a lot in comon!Our cheerleading sqa d has a lot of the same names as yours too!! My name is Bridgett!My co-captain's name is Courtney and lots more!!!!!

Larry Mitchell - 06/05/98 03:34:30
My Email:atlasjr@hotmail.com
Favorite Color: Navy Blue/White
Favorite Sports Team: Penn State Nittany Lions
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Yes
Are you hungry?: Always...

Excellent page, very extensive and thorough. Does your squad participate in any cheering competitions? Are you planning on cheering in college? Its definately worth it!! Good Luck!! Larry Penn State Cheerleading

JOY!!!! - 02/06/98 14:26:29
My Email:mmm..I wonder
Favorite Color: fucia
Favorite Sports Team: duh! The Devils
Are you a cheerleader, too?: Nope!
Are you hungry?: Not particualy

Wow what a nifty page!! I' feel sooooo neto!! I'm like on my best friend's page @ school!! The people in here are like "where are you at?" When I tell them that I'mat your page they're like"WOW!!"

Bridget Fassnacht - 01/22/98 18:24:49
My Email:rfassnacht@intrstar.com
Favorite Color: orange
Favorite Sports Team: Devils, duh
Are you a cheerleader, too?: hmmmm.......yes!
Are you hungry?: Why? do you have food???!!!!
Are you tired of filling out boxes?: nah,
What do you think of my page?: it's moderately neato!

Hey Linz! We need to practice that thunder pyramid. Once we get it together, it'll be awesome. I really like Ian, I hope he's not mad at me. :( Go #14! Ok, I'm on that pyramid everybody(in the pic)! I'm the one on the ground on the right! ok? bye!

Erin Kinlaw - 01/12/98 00:03:31
My Email:gkinlaw@intrstr.net
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Sports Team: Devils
Are you a cheerleader, too?: yes,duh
Are you hungry?: no
Are you tired of filling out boxes?: sort of
What do you think of my page?: shagadelic

It's all about the Devil's baby!!!!!

Granny - 12/13/97 16:40:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Ann_VZ_Davis/index.html
My Email:avzdavis@juno.com
Favorite Color: Red of course
Favorite Sports Team: Clarkton Blue Devils
Are you a cheerleader, too?: No, but my daughter was!!
Are you hungry?: No, just had breakfast and Granny Jenkin's muffins!!
Are you tired of filling out boxes?: YES
What do you think of my page?: Cute

Good work!!