1998 PAFFL ODDS - by Paul Reibel =================================================================== - Odds of Mike Mason (on evening of draft) drafting someone on the third round and trading him for someone who was drafted on the sixth round, even money. - Odds of Mark O. "The Big O" whining about his lack of a farm system like Stryker's, 100 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Sauvageau complaining that everyone doesn't bring enough beer, 30 to 1 in favor - Odds of Sauvageau drafting someone who hasn't played football in three years, 3 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Mike Payton drafting at least 5 members from the two N.Y. football teams, 2 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Mike Mason drafting someone with a cool nickname, 15 to in favor. - Odds of Mark Sauvageau saying "Hey thats no fair......I was going to draft him next !", 10 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Mike Mason mis-pronouncing someone's name so nobody knows who the hell he just picked, 2 to 1 against. ( I used this last year and Phil really liked it, so I'm using it again, like others). - Odds of Rich saying "I really haven't had to much time to prepare", then spending over 80 hours preparing, 20 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Phil (after a few beers) saying "I'm going through this years PAFFL like a hot knife through butter ! Wooooooooooo!!!!!!", 2 to 1 against. - Odds of "Trader Rich" making a trade after the order is determined but before anyone is drafted, 2 to 1 in favor of drafting someone then trading him only to re-aquire him later in the season, 2 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Dr.Jim Lilly saying to Sauvageau "Where are the condiments ?", even money of Paul Shnyder thinking of one of his favorite dancers after this remark, 10 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Phil saying he didn't buy any Fantasy Football magazines....... ooopps.....this one already happened. - Odds of Dr. Lilly showing up with 5 computer printouts of Fantasy Football statistics, 8 to 1 in favor then disregarding all that info and drafting Elvis Grbac in the first round because he's a chiefs fan, 2 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Paul Shnyder asking Phil, "So how's A.J's?" 5 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Mark's neighbors calling the Police this year...., even money. - Odds of Gino calculating how much 500 lb bench sets he going to have to do to work off all the food he ate (and maintain his 2000 to 1 muscle to body fat ratio) 2 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Paul Shnyder drafting either Charlester Crumpler or Kimberly Kupps, even money. - Odds of Paul Shnyder saying to Rich when he leaves "Hey Rich !!! where are you going now....Planet !!!!! (my favorite) 3 to 1 in favor - Odds of Sauvageau drafting someone that got injured in the first pre-season game and is out for the year on i.r. 2 to 1 in favor - Odds of Rich calling another PAFFL member three days after the draft and saying "Hey buddy....how's everything going ? After analyzing your draft I noticed that you were a little thin in the (RB,WR,QB...) department. I'd really like to help you out...tell you what I'm going to do"........ 20 to 1 in favor - Odds of Mark Olivieri on draft night saying.... "Mason and Lilly should just give their first two draft picks to Stryker right now and get it over with"....10 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Phil sending an e-mail message three days after the draft saying "When looking at your draft I noticed on the 12th week of the season your going to need a (TE,RB,QB....) I'd really like to help you out with this problem"....... - Odds of Paul Shnyder saying to Gino on draft night..."You dominated the draft once again".....3 to 1 in favor. Of saying to the whole group "I'm honored to be in the company of such greatness".....5 to 1 in favor - Odds on Sauvageau saying sometime after the 11th round "I don't have any more TE's on my draft sheet !" 3 to 1 in favor Odds of Stryker having at least 10 more TE's on his draft board 20 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Rich knowing the second string TE for the Saints 5 to 1 in favor.....Odds of Rich giving that name to Sauvegeau 7 to 1 in favor.....Odds of Paul Shnyder saying "Charlester Crumpler is still available !"....4 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Phil saying he hasn't been to any Go-Go bars in years 100 to 1 in favor ....Odds of Phil being at a Go-Go bar last week 3 to 1 in favor. - Odds of the Chiefs first home loss of the 1998 season being their first playoff game.....10 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Mike Mason showing up late and saying he got lost 2 to 1 in favor.... Odds of Mike Mason getting lost because he didn't know the way from the Go-Go Bar he was just at to Sauvageau's house 10 to 1 in favor. - Odds of Phil drafting Richie Cunningham 3 to 1 in favor ....Odds of Sauvageau saying "I thought he was on Happy Days" .. 15 to 1 in favor.