The 2006 Altered Boogie Pepper Methodology
1. The Altered Boogie Pepper rank US (including US based) and Canadian orienteers by an average of their best 5 race day scores from all eligible race days. The averages are adjusted by a factor so that the #1 Pepperino and Pepperina have a score of 100. There is no penalty for running lots of events. Peppers can run as often as they like, and still stay really fire hot!
2. Eligible race days include all US Long, Classic, and Middle distance "A" days where there are at least 3 ranked orienteers finishing each class being ranked.
3. Eligible race days from the US Team Trials and US Classic Distance Championships are weighted by an additional 5%. Serious racing Peppers should do their utmost to appear and perform at their very best at these important events. If the US Long Champs are mass started and the winning time exceeds 120 minutes, then that race (by class) will also be weighted by an additional 5%.
4. The Altered Boogie Pepper is a 52 week (one year) rolling ranking system, and will be updated when results from recently held events become available, and when events age beyond the one year mark.
5. Scores are computed by considering the average of the 3 best times of eligible orienteers (A), the average of the 3 best current Altered Boogie Pepper rankings (B) of all eligible orienteers who finish, and the orienteer's own race time (C). The formula is A/C*B.
6. There are no credit days. Volunteering to put on events is great, to be commended, and of course essential to the sport, but The Altered Boogie Pepper is about racing.
7. The goal and purpose of The Altered Boogie Pepper is to increase overall interest of US orienteers in training and racing a little harder, while having some fun with it all at the same time. It's fine and good to take things seriously, but not super seriously!
8. Put some pepper in your boogie, and run like tarnation fire is hot on your heels!