THE SHORT VERSION: There is really a lot to tell about me - Keith, actually. The screen name Zopop is a tribute to my daughter Zoe.. but the name has stuck over the years and there are many old time AOLers who only know me as "Zo". I have a lot of interests and I am always trying new things.

PHILOSOPHY: I have always lived with the attitude that the key to a fulfilling life is diversity. I have been blessed over the years with a lot of different experiences and meeting a lot of unique people. I don't believe in limiting myself as I could miss great opportunities.

MY WELL BEING: Over the past year, I've become and avid fan of running, walking and working out...It's made a big difference in every aspect of my life... I'm hovering somewhere between 5'7" and 5'8", 195 and dropping... I've recently lost about 50 lbs as the result of the above lifestyle changes. No special diet - taking care of myself has changed my appetite and my desire for the bad stuff.. I still indulge every so often, but its the exception not the rule.


stuff I like...