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Welcome to the third issue of the soon-to-be World-Famous Andruw Advisor -- enjoy it! Don't forget—get people to subscribe!
This month I reviewed http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Stadium/8289/
For one, this page, "The Girls' Braves Photo Page," is updated quite frequently, with its "Quotes of the Month." The main feature of this page, however, is the Braves photos, which the makers of this page all took themselves. Most of the Photos are of the Braves in everyday clothes and posing with some of the girls. New photos are added often. It also includes a fair amount of links to other Braves pages.
My Grade: A
The Andruw Advisor - Issue 36 - May 2, 1999
This week I reviewed the Girls Braves' Photo Page http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Stadium/8289/
This is a very good page. It has about the most photos of Braves you will ever find--some not even in uniform! These photos also have former Braves such as David Justice, Jeff Blauser, and Terrell Wade. It also has a lot of quotes, from how the road trips went to the Littleton, Colorado shootings. It also contains links to other neat pages such as our own, www.andruw.com.
My Grade: A-
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