This site contains links for every NFL team. There is a link to the official site of every team. Not all teams have established an ''Official'' site yet, so some links are to the NFL's site dedicated to the team. There is also a link for the local newspaper of each team. Again, some teams don't have there cities' newspaper on the web or it isn't worth looking at, so I provided a link to USA Today. Finally there is a link to the team's local radio station that is broadcasting on the internet (bitcasting). Not all team have a bitcasting radio station and not all bitcasters broadcast all the games.

In Order to listen to the games over the internet you must have a program called Real Player. Better known as Real Audio. You can download Real Player free from After you have set up Real Player just click on the radio station you want to listen to. to listen to the game click on the link during game time.

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Mail Me if you have a better Newspaper, radio station, an added Official Site or just have comments about the page.

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This Page Was Created and Is Maintained By Josh Karr. I nor this site are affiliated with the NFL or any NFL Team.