February 20th 1998

By "Lionheart" Chris Jericho

Now Playing....Stuck Mojo-Snappin Necks

Hello LionHeads!

Well, it's been a while since the last episode of "Commentary" and the reason for that is Webmaster Lee had the audacity to go on a vacation! I mean can you believe it? He's supposed to be at me internet and call!! Well I've scolded him accordingly and he won't be allowed on vacation again until 2112.

This week's most disturbing news is of course the passing of Louie Spicolli. I was shocked to hear of Louis' passing, especially now, when he was finally getting to reap some of the fruits of his labours. Louis was in the wrestling biz for about 10 years, working for WWF, WCW, ECW, AAA in Mexico, FMW in Japan and countless other companies. But it was only the last month that he was starting to become part of the "show". As a matter of fact, the last time I spoke to him was last week in Oklahoma City and we were discussing how busy we'd been, but how it was also fun to be part of the show, finally. The treatment of his death by WCW also angers me, as it seems it was given a token statement and subsequently swept under the carpet. No on air ceremony, no ten bell salute, no behind the scenes meeting, nothing. I don't care if it was Louis Spicolli, Hulk Hogan, Ciclope or Chris Jericho, Spicolli was still part of the team and a member of WCW family and should have been treated with a bit more respect. My favorite memory of Looiss (as I referred to him) occurred in Mexico, in 1994. It was the first day of my tour and the last day of his. I bumped into him and persuaded him to come out to the bar with me. He didn't want to go, but I knew he would be one of the last American/Canadians I would see for awhile and I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of some company. We took the bus to the Zona Rosa, a party area in Mexico City and had a few beverages. Needless to say, Lou caught his plane home, sporting a bit of a hangover. He went with me, even though he didn't really feel like it because he knew I wanted him to. Even though he wasn't my best friend, he was a friend all the same and I'll miss him. Goodbye Looiss, God Bless your eternal soul and I'll see you on the other side.

Another heartbreak occurred last night as the Canadian Olympic hockey team suffered an agonizing loss to the Czech Republic, after a shootout. But, it was one of the best games I've seen, just disappointing that Canada couldn't pull it off. At least they destroyed the arrogant US team. Hopefully they can at least win the bronze tonight, by beating Finland.

I saw Blues Brothers 2000 and it should be called Blues Brothers Rehashed. Everything that happened in the original, is duplicated in this one! At least the tunes are good!

The movie of the week is HardCore Logo, a Canadian movie about a fictional punk band. Kind of a Great White North Spinal Tap. But it's really cool

Well I bought a Playstation so I can be me on WCW Nitro. Of course I lost instantly, can't figure out how to play it and now it's collecting dust on my shelf, but at least I have it.

Keep Sending your self addressed stamped envelopes to PO Box 618313, Orlando, FL, 32861, if you want a pic. Please make sure to stamp it, as some of you haven't and it's difficult for me to do it! Thanks to Figure Four Weekly for the newsletters, Beck for the Valentine gift, Chad Bowen for the Metallica and Coroner videos and Tommy Noe for the Christian Rock tape. Keep sending the swag, I dig it. I love you guys.

Well I'm going back to Cali tomorrow, so I'll catch you guys next week!

God Bless you and be good to each other!


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