Welcome to My Little Piece of the Internet

First of all this website really needs to be updated. I made it for a University course back in 1996, I've made some small changes since then but it really needs an overhaul so bear with me. The site is devoted to my various interests, my philosophies, my friends, and my family
You'll also find pictures and information on a wide variety of subjects such as
Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, John Woo, Taimak,Football, and
the greatest movies of All-Time.

Stuff about me:

craig sutton"
  • Learn more about me and my family.
  • Meet my Brother.

    09/15/2004 The site is long overdue for an update but it is coming soon...(got lot's of new pictures.)

    Other Stuff:

    Check out these places on my page:

    yingyang symbol

  • New!!My Words to live by page outlining some of my believes, thoughts and philosophies

  • New! My Last Dragon Page
  • Check out my Kung Fu page dedicated to Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.
  • Check out my mostly unsung favorite athletes. This page is dedicated to the underdog dimunitive Football player.
  • Check out my Entertainment page to see my unique lists of the greatest movies of all time!
  • Guestbook Archeives:

    Guestbook Part II


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    about me | my football career | my brother
    Greatest movies | John Woo | Last Dragon/Taimak | Kung Fu | Bruce Lee | Jackie Chan
    Big Little Guys | Words to live by