In Loving Memory...
{Police Officers killed in KS)
This is a special page dedicated to the officers that work the beat on my streets.  This year alone, two officers have been killed in the line of duty.  Both were hit by cars.  These are their stories.


Hiawatha, Kansas -- A 16 year old boy killed a Kansas Deputy. His name was Deputy Todd Widman, 21, who had been with the department for only 4 short months. He died at the hospital, gun shots were exchanged with the suspect who also died. -- Also, K9 dog Falco was shot in a separate incident and killed in Holton, Kansas.

I have to add a new officer to my list. His name is Officer Arn. This is a tragic story. This happend on November 10th. Some notorious 33 yr. old criminal went on a wild rampage. Any black car that looked even CLOSE to a cop car was shot at with a high powered rifle. The man shot and injured an off-duty firemen and two others, they survived. Officer Arn gave his life..he was shot in the back of the head..he had no chance on survival because of the power of the weapon. Other officers have commented he may have lived if the weapon used wasn't as powerful. Officer Arn is survived by his wife and two year old twin daughters. This is sickness in the works. To Officer Arn and his family, I express my deepest sympathy.

Officer Thomas Meyers
Department:  Kansas City, Missouri
Survived by: Wife/daughter/son
Years of employment: 13
Cause:  Hit by vehicle
Killed: 1/14/98
Age: 53

    Officer Thomas Meyers was assisting a motorist on the slick icy roads in KC.  A Lincoln Continental with 54 yr. old Larry Bittick at the wheel hit a Jeep Cherokee the Officer and two others were standing in front of.  The other two survived, Officer Meyers died at the scene.  Bittick was taken into custody.  He was charged with assault on a law enforcement officer and two counts of assault.  KCMO police have said what a great officer Meyers was and everyone will miss him.

Sergeant Rick Asten
Department: Kansas City, Kansas
Survived By:  Wife/five kids
Years of employment:
Cause:  Hit by vehicle
Killed:  6/11/98
Age:  46
    Sgt. Rick Asten was hit by a stolen Chevy Blazer on Thursday, June 11.  The two men who have not yet been charged with Sgt. Asten's death are:  Tracy A. Markee, 26 and Michael Turckes, 20.  Markee, the man who is the suspected driver was charged Friday with capital murder, aggravated assault, burglary, and theft.  If he is convicted, he may get the death penalty.  Turckes was charged with felony murder, burglary and theft.  My condolences to not only the family, but the department who lost a great police officer.
--When I get any new information, I will post it here.  Thank you.

The Cop

Many things make up a cop.
His love for the job,
His willingness to respond to any call.
No matter how dumb or silly,
An officer has to answer to anything.
Whether he faces a gang member or thug,
Or if he's just going to a domestic,
A cop knows what he's there to do.
And along with this,
Comes the knowledge,
That an Officer may die..
One day a cop may wake up,
and the next day not have a heart beat at all.
For all the cops,
All the victims,
The families and departments alike,
We observe a moment of silence..
As they are finally in peace.

A day as a cop

I'm a policeman(woman),
I walk my beat.
I'm a policeman(woman),,
I can stand the heat.
I'm a policeman(woman),
I respond to the call.
I'm a policeman(woman),
Tomorrow I may not be alive at all.
I'm a policeman(woman),
I got shot in the head.
I'm a policeman(woman),
Watch my mother weep in bed.
Yes I'm a policeman(woman),
Till death do me in.
--I hope that whoever is looking at this page understands what it takes to be a cop.  So the next time you see a cop, please don't hassle them.  They're just doing their job.  And tomorrow you may read about them in the paper, and realize how sorry you really are.  Many families and friends fall victim to these senseless crimes.  Can you imagine waking up for work one day, never to return home?  People with children, wives/husbands, and friends...

--Please think about this for a moment.  I will leave you with this thought, "Mommy, where's Daddy?"  ("Daddy, where's Mommy?")  What would you do if your child had to say this one day to you?