Little "GNOME" Facts

If you do not look carefully,
you will fail to see
a hare in the meadow,or a deer in a forest.
So it is with GNOMES:
You may not see them,
but they are there, all right!
The adult gnome is about 6 inches tall(without cap);
he weighs about 11 ounces.
The gnomes life-span is about 400 years.
When he is about 100 he begins to think
of marriage.



Gnome parents have 2 children:
A pair of twins.
The gnome father teaches his son (or sons)
the things a gnome should know.

Twin Gnomes

The Male Gnome

Girl gnomes are instructed by their mothers
and neighborhood women.

The Female Gnome


Gnomes are twilight and night creatures.
They do their work
and play their games
during short,sultry summer nights
and long,cold winter nights.

But however busy the gnome may be,
he maintains close contact with the animals.
He speaks their language and feels
responsible for them.
He supplies small rodents with food
during the long winter months.

Although the mother's don't seem
to feel the same way about the rodents.

Old Style Gnomes

Will you do me a favor?
Next time you converse with a gnome,
ask him/her what their favorite games are.

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