ZooMom's Giggles & Riddles

Part 2

(((HUGS))) & Special Thanks to My Niece, Kristin, for
Finding All of These Jokes for My Home Page.

What do you call the life story of a car?
An autobiography!
What goes on for miles and miles, but never moves?
A highway!
What does an ape use to fix his car?
A monkey wrench!
What would you have if you car engine started burning?
A fire engine!
What's harder than driving a car?
Paying for  it!
Why is an old car like a baby?
It never goes anywhere without a rattle!
What do you call a truck hauling a dozen-and-a-half pigs?
An 18-squealer!
What ten letter word starts with gas?
What kind of running means walking?
Running out of gas!
What do you call a car packed in a crate?
A boxcar!
What sickness do racing drivers get?
Who drives away all his customers?
A taxi-cab driver!
What do frogs give their cars when they won't start?
A jump start!
What kind of truck does a ballerina drive?
A toe truck!
Why did the turtle cross the road?
To get to the shell station!
How do you get a dog to stop barking in the back seat of a car?
Have him sit in the front!

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