
Jokes, Giggles & Riddles Cage

(((HUGS))) & Special Thanks to My Niece, Kristin, for
Finding All of These Jokes for My Home Page.

What kind of truck is always a he?
A mail truck!
What kind of car makes the line down a road disappear?
A racer!
What happened to the snow tires the man bought for his car?
They melted!
Why did the traffic light turn red?
You would too if you had to change in the middle of a street!
What's green and rides in a ambulance?
A pear-medic!
What gives milk and has a horn?
A milk truck!
What would you have if everyone in the country had a pink car?
A pink car nation!
What happened to the boy that thought he was a  muffler?
He woke up exhausted!
What kind of skateboard breaks the first time you use it?
A cheap skate!
What would you get if you crossed a dog with a 9 foot tall gorilla?
A gorilla who drinks out of any toilet he pleases!

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