This beautiful gift was made by my friend, Anat.
She's a very talented young lady! If you click
on the Christmas tree, it will take you to her
Pooh page; please go pay her a visit, you'll be
very glad you did! Thank you, Anat, dear!

This beautiful award was made by
another young and very talented
Geocities 'net friend, Daisy.
Please visit her homepage; it's
wonderful, with many interesting
pages for you to see .
Thank you, sweet girl!

             My Valentine Gift From Snowaltz
    This is a wonderful Valentine gift that new EFCL Snowaltz made for
                all the CLs in the Enchanted Forest! You can click on the button to visit her lovely
                                pages--she's a very nice girl, and I'm so glad I've gotten to meet her!
:) Thank you, Mary Winn!

                                 These gifts all have something in common--they were made by teens
                                          in Enchanted Forest whom I've been privileged to get to know.
                                            They have really added a lot of fun, joy and warmth to my job as a
                community leader in the Enchanted Forest! Thanks, ladies!!!

                     Thank you, Jamie!!!
This one was made by Jamie, a 7 year old girl--isn't it beautiful?
Please click on it to visit their great children's magazine site!


Thanks for the lovely graphics!
This lady is soooo talented; please pay her site a visit if
you want to find some exquisite backgrounds.