Michaela sat infront of of the vanity with her robe over her. Sully came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her, while lightly kissing her neck. Michaela smiled at her husband she was filled with so much love for him.


"Hmm.. Michaela what is it?"

" I was wondering what else you would like to do today?"

"Besides this?"

"Yes, besides this. Not that I don't enjoy it... but"

""But we want to make the most of it."  Sully finished her sentence. "Now that ya think about it, I do have a place I'd like ta show ya.. but I gotta blindfold ya."

"But..." Michaela started to object.

"I want it ta be a surprise!" Sully interrupted her.

"Alright," Michaela gave into Sully's pleading.

Sully lifted Michaela up and led her down the stairs.

"Sully! let me at least get dressed!" Michaela quickly responded.

"Why? where we're goin no one will see ya in yer robe and corsette." Sully teased.

"Well let me at least get a warmer shirt on, and a skirt!" Michaela replied.

"Alright," Sully sounded disappointed while setting Michaela  back on her feet. He was going to let her get dressed anyway, although it would've been fun to see her in just her bloomers and corsette. "But don't make me wait too long!" Sully added while walking out of their bedroom to get the wagon ready when Michaela would come downstairs.


"Brian!" Matthew yelled.

"It wasn't me! It was Katie! She knocked it over!" Brian quickly answered his older brother in a high squeeky voice.

"What's going on....." Colleen stopped suddenly when she found out the reason to all the noise. "My china mug!"

"I.. I'm sorry Colleen, Katie..." Brian started but was interrupted.

"It's alright Brian, it can be replaced, at least no one was hurt. BUT ya gotta keep a VERY close eye on her she is always getting into things," Colleen explained.

"Speakin' of Katie.. where'd she go?" Matthew quickly added.


"Sully? Are we there yet?" Michaela asked like an anxious child. She hated having to wear a blindfold. They had been gone for almost two hours and Michaela wondered where in the world he could be taking her.

"Almost," Sully replied before pulling the reigns tight so the team of horses would slow to a stop. Sully jumped out of the wagon and held out his arms for Michaela to hold onto for support. "Let me help ya down."

Michaela held out her arms and quickly found Sully's. He quickly picked Michaela up and set her gently down on the ground.

"Thank you, now can I take this off?" Michaela asked moving her arms to the blindfold covering her eyes.

"Not yet! We gotta walk a little ways, and THEN you can take the blindfold off.," Sully said stopping Michaela from pulling the blind fold away from her eyes.

Michaela let out a sigh before walking forward tightly holding onto Sully's hand.


"Katie?!?" Colleen called out before bending down and looking underneath the table.

"She couldn't have gone far, the door ain't open so she is in here somewhere." Matthew stated while checking behind a chair.

"Kates, come on out.. ya aren't in trouble. Colleen says its ok," Brian pleaded.

The threesome kept neeling and calling out her name for a couple more minutes. Andrew, who heard the commotion came downt he stairs looking confused.

"What's all the noise for?" Andrew questioned.

"Andrew, Katie is..." Colleen started

"Katie is taking a nap, just like Joseph. After I checked to make sure Joe was asleep I turned around and Katie was right there rubbing her eyes. I took her in our room, read a story, and she fell asleep." Andrew informed her.

Brian's jaw dropped wide open.

"You mean, we have been calling all this time and you KNEW where she was?" Colleen questioned still a little shocked by what Andrew had just told her.

"Well, yes. I thought you were calling for Brian so I just didn't pay any attention to it. I'm sorry. What was the matter?"

"We thought Katie was missing." Matthew informed the clueless Andrew. "I guess keeping track of a three year old is harder than I thought!"

They all sat down, tired and sore, thankful for the time to sit down and talk. They looked at one other and broke out laughing.