Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Cape Breton County

Couples For Kids - Volunteer Together

Volunteering as a mentor to a child can be one of the most rewarding things you do. The Couples for Kids Program provides a way for couples to share their time together with a child. The couples enrich their lives by spending time together and sharing their lives with a child who needs a friend.

The Program

The program matches couples with a child for a unique two-to-one friendship. This friendship can help broaden the life of a child and provides acceptance, guidance and support. The agency strives to match each couple with a child whose needs correspond with the couple's abilities, interests, and preferences. After a match has been made, the caseworker will keep in touch and offer on-going support and guidance.

The Children

The child is generally between the ages of 6 and 16. In order for a boy or girl to be matched with a couple, the child (with the permission of his or her guardian) must want to join the Couples for Kids program. Being matched with a couple, (rather than just one adult), has been shown to benefit the child immensely by exposing him or her to a caring, respectful adult relationship.

The Couples

Couples in the program should be at least 20 years of age, and should have been together for at least one year. The Couples for Kids program provides flexibility by allowing one member of the couple to spend time with the child if the other person is unavailable.

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