<BGSOUND SRC="/malahandra/userfiles:/user/whenyouwish.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
elcome to the place where dreams come true!
*we may have products here, and for every product, we have a link to that page, but we are in no way associated with those companies, (although  we would like to be).
Hi, I am Molly Strickland, better know as Malahandra or Ladybird (depending on when you met me), but I would rather be called Malahandra.  This site is being constructed mainly for one purpose, my three best friends, Tabatha (a.k.a. Tuba), Kat, and Tasmine.  But we do have other things in this site like our favorite movies, beanie babies, animals, and more.  My friends helped me with the pictures and things like that on this site, but I am the one who constructed it all. 
My Typing Services Page
Group Photo Album
Our Group's Biographies
Make Money Fast!!!
August 23, 2002

   I created this page many years ago.  I have since moved on with my life and have not updated this page as much as I originally had planned.  Now there is no real need to.
   I started college officially a day ago and now with my classes I will not be able to play around with this page anymore.  This page will stay up, but I will not be logging onto this one anymore.  I say my farewell to this page and I begin a new one.  Thank you for your interest.

December 23, 2002
   I have come home for Christmas break and have decided to add a special someone to this page with a biography of him.  I will add a picture of him when I get the chance to, but he is way too much a part of our group and has been for the past years to not add to this page.  It would be a crime to keep him from this page as an individual who I care about deeply.  Click the "Our Group's Biographies" to learn about Robbie.

May 9, 2003
   I have decided, once again, to add someone else to my page.  I haven't gotten that far yet, but I am working on his page.  He is my nephew, Evan.  I adore him and i wanted to show the world what my nephew is like.  Anyway, sorry for the change in plans.  Also there is a link to my typing service page.  Check it out, if you like.