Months Ten and Eleven
Well, mommy is so behind that she can hardly remember what Riley was doing these months. Bad Mommy!!! :(
Luckily I did write a few things down.
At ten months Riley was not only throwing objects, he was also throwing tantrums. I don't think I was expecting that so soon! He also started waving "bye, bye" this month only he waves backwards as if waving to himself. LOL Riley also began shaking his head "No" this month which mommy finds oh so adorable.
At just over eleven months Riley learned to stand on his own. Wow, maybe he will walk sometime this century after all!  He also started nodding his head "yes" this month. Between nodding his head, shaking his head, and biting he has gotten very good at getting his point across. OUCH!!!  Enjoy the pictures! :)
Riley sitting on mommy's messy bed. You can see his poor little sunburned cheeks.  :(
Riley at 10 months practicing his standing!
Riley pulls up on momma's knee.
Riley and baby at 11 months.