My Eighth Month
On April 15th I turned 7 months old. I weigh 23 pounds and am 29 inches long. My accomplishments for this month include  My first two teeth (bottom middle) which came in on 4/25 and 4/26. I also started sleeping through the night this month which is good news for mommy but she is a little sad because I also stopped breastfeeding this month. :(
I started eating a few finger foods this month but  still mostly eat baby food and milk.  I said "Hi" on april 18th, "DaDa" on April 24th and "MaMa" on April 27th.  I've said Mama and Dada before but I can say them REALLY good now. I also said my first sentence on August 4th it was "Mama Baba."  I like to play peek-a-boo, I can finally go forward in my walker now, AND on Mother's day I creeped across the floor for the first time!!!! Last but not least, on April 17th mommy and I made a trip to Potamic Mill's to meet some other Sept 98 babies. As you can see from the pictures below, we had a great time! :)
Riley, Rhiannon, Robyn and Camille.
Poor Rhiannon doesn't look too happy and her friends look so concerned don't they? ;)
Riley says, "Hey you, turn around and talk to me!"
Michelle looks on.
At the end of the day, Michelle and Rhiannan (sleeping), Kymberlee and Robyn, Me and Riley, and Gwyneth with Camille.