My Ninth Month
I turned eight months old on May 15th 1999. I had a lot of new accomplishments this month and mommy says that she is so proud of me! :) All day long I holler at my doggies, "here doggy, doggy. Here doggy, doggy!" Mommy says I'm going to drive them nuts. On the 29th we went to visit my granny pap and aunt Jenny in WV. I had such a good time with all my cousins and I even went for my first swim in a great big pool. I looked awfully cute in my swim diaper and sunglasses. On the 31st I went from crawling to sitting all on my own. I really like this new view! All the better to watch my favorite show, "Telletubbies." I even wave goodbye to them when the show is over which must be a good thing because mommy can't help but hug me everytime I do it. That's about all to report on me this month. I hope you like the pictures! |