My first Month

My first month was a fun one. On September 17th mommy, daddy and grandpa Lee brought me home from the hospital. Mommy showed me my room. It is done in Peter Rabbit and it's cute but I think I'll stay in mom's room for awhile.  At five days mommy and daddy took me out to get my pictures taken. I was so good! You can see how the pictures turned out below. My cord fell off on the 28th at which time I got my first bath. I let mommy know real quick that I would appreciate warmer water next time, thank you! On the 29th I was 2  weeks old and had a visit with the doctor. I weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce. I gained a whole pound since I left the hospital! The doctor said that mommy must have some nutritious milk.  My third week was especially exciting. I learned how to smile and I went on my first road trip. We drove five hours to WV so I could meet my Granny Pap, Aunt Jenny, cousin Swayde and cousin Hayley. I haven't decided if I like anyone besides mommy yet. Maybe next time I will enjoy myself more.

At one day I was already a cutie
(Even if that mean old doctor did beat me up a bit).
Mommy just cant get enough of me. :)

These are the pictures taken at Sears. I was 5 days old. I think mommy wishes I was still this tiny sometimes.

Here I am at about 10 days. No blankets for me, thank you!

Two weeks old and I'm not very happy with mommy at the moment. How dare she take away my food just to take this silly picture.

At 3 weeks I got to meet my granny Pap.
Mommy and daddy took me to say
goodbye before we came home,
but I slept through the whole thing