Welcome To The Groverland Guestbook!

Angie Ruger - 12/28/00 17:48:35
My Email:angelamorford@metlife.com

Grover has been my favorite since I was 2 years old. My mom said that I couldn't wait for Sesame Street to come on so I could see Grover!

Pat - 12/16/00 23:52:54
My Email:p.e.halpin@att.net

HI I to collect Grover's. I do have socks. I got them at a Sesame Street store which is no longer around here. Try Sesame Place in Pa. Also, Grover things are sold on 2momluvme

*JULIE* - 12/08/00 22:16:51
My URL:http://central.mixture.com/J2
My Email:AudiA4quattroGRL@aol.com

Hmmm sorry the picture didnt show up.....anyways, check out my page =) I have the COOLEST Grover ever!! =)

*JULIE* - 12/08/00 22:15:16
My URL:http://central.mixture.com/J2
My Email:AudiA4quattroGRL@aol.com

Cool page =) Heres me and my Grover =)

Jessica - 11/23/00 04:55:56
My Email:marshjessica@hotmail.com

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just what I've been looking for! Long live Grover! My friends and I have been very worried about the lack of Grover in the past few years. We're afraid Elmo is pushing him out of the limelight.

Melissa Holder - 11/19/00 08:16:30
My Email:melissa_h8495@yahoo.com

I have loved grover for 24 years and will continue to love him another 24. This site is awsome.

Victoria - 11/14/00 01:27:45

I've loved Grover my whole life! He's my furry ol' pal and I luv him!

Stephanie - 10/16/00 07:26:55
My Email:stephdf@aol.com

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. When I first got my Mac and started downloading wavs, I got the ears wav. We have since switched to an IBM knockoff and I couldn't save any of the Mac wavs. I have been searching for weeks to find it, and I'm absolutely t ckled that you had it. Thanks again. Steph

Maggie - 10/14/00 00:25:39
My Email:jon9543@waynesburg.edu

I absolutely adore grover! I have ever since I was a little girl, and I'm furious that it is hard for me to find grover merchandise.

Lynda - 08/18/00 18:54:32
My URL:http://www.coldeffect.com
My Email:coldwhispers@yahoo.com

I love your site. I have a massive collection of Grover toys. My mother even found one of the original Grover dolls for me.

- 08/11/00 23:30:13

Dear Sir Would I hug and kiss Oscar? From Kristen

john yang - 08/08/00 09:46:59
My Email:woongster@yahoo.com

my girlfriend, yun, and i are big grover fans. we love to fly, but cannot land.

yun park - 08/08/00 09:35:54
My Email:yahee@yahoo.com

i love grover, and i hate elmo stealing the show. i was shocked that so many felt the same way. i love supergrover and near/far. thanks for the site!

Mieke - 08/05/00 13:27:16

Very well done. Grover is still the best!!!

kristy - 07/21/00 05:18:47
My Email:kristyhayden@email.com

I love your grover page. I was wondering if u could send me any pictures you would think would be a good tattoo...

Adrianne - 07/14/00 05:35:31
My Email:adestreck@hotmail.com

I didn't realize that other people loved Grover as much as I do! Love your site, especially the sounds!

Maddy - 04/08/00 04:51:37
My Email:kostyk@telusplanet.net

Finally! I have found an awesome sight for my favorite Sesame Street character...hey, my favorite ANYTHING character! I've loved Grover since I was a kid and still do. I never did know what the hype was for over Elmo! Keep up the fantastic site!

tRaCy - 03/24/00 20:57:01
My Email:lilwho@o-tay.com

Wow finally Grover gets some love. Thanks for the memories... I had fun!

georgia - 03/22/00 10:24:43
My Email:daisy_145@freemail.com.au

excellant grover site, love the pics....adorable

jj - 03/22/00 00:31:43
My Email:rufio_pan@hotmail.com

and more. Always wanted to go to Never-Never Land? Here's your chance. Steven Spielberg's HOOK is coming back for lost boys-and girls! The wonderful family movie is debuting from Columbia TriStar on DVD for the first time on March 21, and being re-issued the same day on videocassette for home viewing for the first time in two years. The all-star cast includes Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, Maggie Smith, Bob Hoskins and Phil Collins. Peter Pan (Robin Williams, Academy Award-winner, Good Will Hunting) has grown up to be a cut-throat merger and acquisitions lawyer, and is married to Wendy's (Maggie Smith, Academy Award-winner California Suite) granddaughter (Caroline Goodall, Schindler's List). Captain Hook (Dustin Hoffman, Academy Award-winner, Rain Man) kidnaps his children, and Peter returns to Never Land with Tinkerbell (Julia Roberts, Notting Hill). With the help of her and the Lost Boys, he must remember how to be Peter Pan again in order to save his children by battling with Captain Hook once again. HOOK w as nominated for Five Academy Awards including, Best Costume Design and Best Visual Effects. HOOK will be in video stores nationwide next week. And here's the extra bonus: HOOK (VHS and DVD) will be part of Columbia TriStar Home Video's "2000 Prizes A Day" sweepstakes. The millennium promotion is designed to give away 2000 fantastic prizes every day during the year 2000. Consumers who purchase the title can either call a special 1-800 number or check on-line at www.cthv.com to see what they have won. Prizes will include cruise vacations, big screen TVs, shopping sprees, gift certificates

Karen - 03/16/00 02:50:28
My URL:http://trak.to/kc
My Email:karencline@netscape.net

What a goodly collection of Grover stuff! Most interesting. Check out my Winnie the Pooh and Grover Too presidential campaign 2000 website at http://trak.to/growin

Keith Grover - 03/15/00 05:33:51
My Email:ccsu14076@earthlink.net

I would like to let everyone who is interested know that TYCO preschool toys,INC. has made a new Grover toy. It is called ROCK AND ROLL GROVER. Grover is playing the saxaphone and says, "allright, let's rock and roll...i love music...dance everybody...yea ...allright...let us play it again." while saying this, he is playing music and wiggling around!!!!!!(he is so talented) I got mine while in Wal-Mart looking for a drill. The hardware section is right next to the toy section (how cool can a store get?) wh le waiting for someone to go to the back to get the drill I needed, I wandered over to the toys and saw the Rock and Roll Grover. I only had enough money to but either the drill or the toy, so when the employee came back from getting the drill, you can im gine how angry he was when I told them that I would have to come back for it, as I did not have enough to buy both. The toy was only $15.00. Get out there folks!! These will go fast just like the rest of the Grover stuff and with our luck, not be sold aga n.

luke aka zomby woof - 03/01/00 02:10:25
My URL:http://zombywoof.virtualave.net
My Email:zombywoofo0o@hotmail.com

hey netters, haven't talked to you in a while. swell page you've got going here. drop me a line sometime if you get... time... andyway, i've got to continue my voyage into the depths of Dis with virgil. see jah.

Keith Grover - 02/28/00 19:13:10
My Email:ccsu14076@earthlink.net

I love Grover. I need more Grover stuff

Kate Grover - 01/26/00 09:16:39
My Email:misstery01@hotmail.com

Yes, Grover is my real surname which is why I typed in a search for "GROVER". What a spin-out seeing so many fans - and he is SO much cuter than ... what's his name? that little red one? oh, i forget his name but Grover is cuter than him by far!

Sunny D - 12/14/99 02:36:50
My Email:irishselassie@aol.com

I need help phrom those with a knowledge of the Street of Sesame. I NEED to phind a sticker of the infamous GUY SMILEY. Iph anyone can help, PLEASE give me a shout!

- 11/16/99 20:26:08


Kim - 10/08/99 18:14:58
My Email:sudsydj.@aol.com

your page is awesome. we have to support grover in this time of Elmo.(who sucks by the way) Grover is part of the original cast and therefor more important than the characters who are coming on now. Just my opinion

cathy - 09/20/99 04:32:44
My Email:quax815432@aol.com

Cool page!!!!!!I'll be back!!

Stephanie - 09/07/99 19:29:29
My Email:sdh102s@mail.smsu.edu

I love your site! You have one of the best Grover sites I have ever seen. I love the sounds especially. It would be cool if you had a video on here. Thanks and keep me posted with changes on your site.

John Tuero - 09/06/99 03:31:32
My Email:tuerojk@gateway.net

Keep Grover alive and kickin'

evelyn - 09/04/99 17:52:10
My Email:evelienb.calberson.nl

thanks for watching your grover page!!! my favorite's are bert & ernie regards Evelyn.

Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 04:42:13
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/25/99 00:21:53
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 05:07:54
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/13/99 23:19:35
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

Paris - 08/10/99 16:49:20
My Email:parischi@aol.com

I've found the Promise Land!

- 08/06/99 19:21:59


Tracey Grover - 08/05/99 04:32:45

Great site! I've been collecting Grover's since 1968. It helped having the last name as an insentive. :) Maybe we should mass write to Applause, (Maker of Sesame Street items) and beg for MORE GROVER items! They have a very limited selection ... Stranger things have worked ..

Zoe Lover - 07/23/99 15:52:24
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/~Ashey2/zoe.html
My Email:Zoe_Lover@gurlmail.com

Wow! Your page is amazing. I'm going to add a link to your page on my new grover site. Excellent job!

Rob Grover - 07/15/99 19:32:33
My Email:Bob8234347

It's Great!

Candy M. Grover - 06/09/99 22:34:09
My Email:Candiggrover@juno.com

Ever since I got married, my husband and I have been trying to collect all the Grover things that we can find, unfortunately one of the main items that I can't find is a Grover puppet. I am an elementary teacher and I thought that would be a fun way to i troduce myself to my students, but have been unable to locate one. One store told me that they are no longer able to carry them. Do you think you could help me locate one? Thanks for your love of Grover, Candy

Sarah - 06/07/99 04:38:31
My Email:sarahcworkman@hotmail.com

Grover has been a staple in my life since I was muppet-loving moppet:) Thanks for the site--so fun! Take care and keep the furry blue faith.

Alyssa + Pam - 05/26/99 18:38:05

yesssss.....GROVER i like hamburgers.... grovers cool

ed - 05/06/99 20:19:09
My Email:eddyd84@aol.com

grover rules

slv - 04/16/99 12:34:49
My Email:helloshari@hotmail.com

Star page! I love the sketch scripts!

Jennifer - 03/29/99 03:29:07
My Email:pcaplan@niagara.com

I love Grover and I think that he should definetly be put back on Canadian Sesame Street and Elmo should go.

Gary David - 03/14/99 04:16:33
My Email:gdcomputer@aol.com

Someone else who understand that Grover carries Sesame Street. He is the star.

Julie - 03/14/99 02:30:19
My Email:JKellick@Prodigy.net

My son loves Grover, but I love him even more!!I loved your page! Sorry, no socks. But, I am looking for an adult-sized Grover sweatshirt. PLEASE let me know where I can find one!

Tacky - 03/07/99 22:58:29
My Email:hamlet37@hotmail.com

your page is pretty good but less writing and more pictures. it wouldnt let me email. i am also a big fan of grover. thanx for sharing your pictures and info. Tacky

becky - 02/23/99 02:33:08
My Email:jarrrr@mindspring.com

Being born in 1969, the Year of Sesame Street, I have been an AVID Grover fan all of my life. I too collect anything and everything Grover, but sorry no socks! Thanks for your web page. I'm in graduate school and it was such a "Vacation" from my studie to sit back and see my favorite blue monster, lovable and furry in the Net! THANK YOU!

Lynn Brens - 02/19/99 22:24:33
My Email:lynnbrens@hotmail.com

This is an awesome site! At last---Grover gets some of the recognition he deserves! Ever since Elmo came onto the scene, he's been shoved out of the limelight.

Samantha - 02/19/99 21:04:04
My Email:Amphgurl@aol.com

I love Grover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep making more websites of him!!!!! =)

Netta - 02/06/99 16:29:57
My URL:This Site
My Email:grover27@geocities.com

Tis is in response to elmolover, who's guestbook sig. is below. If you look in the picture section There is a whole section of Grover with his friends. Including Grover with Elmo. There are plenty of site devoted to Sesame Street with large collection of pictures of all the characters, this one is devoted to Grover, so it only has pictures with him. If you're looking for pictures of other muppets you should go to sites devoted to them.

elmolover - 02/05/99 22:45:09
My URL:http://not tellling you
My Email:never give it away in my life

Good page, but you should have some pictures of Grover's friends if you are truly devoted. Don't you want him to be happy? Friends would make Grover happy.

Brandie Pedrosa - 02/02/99 01:53:29
My Email:brandis52@hotmail.com

Thanks for the site cause I am a HUGE Grover fan and I am glad to see a site with everything Grover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brandie

Laura - 01/30/99 01:05:56
My Email:lauratickle@lineone.net

Grover is cool!

Shen HuiJuan - 01/29/99 11:25:05
My Email:kiang21@yahoo.com

Grover has been under credit all these while. I think he deserves a big round of applause for bringing joy to everyone who watches Sesame St.

Netta - 01/26/99 17:45:18

Just checkin' to see if this is working.

subie - 01/08/99 22:43:12
My Email:subie314@aol.com

just sent you an e mail. love your site!!!!

courtney - 01/08/99 11:08:59
My Email:leia000000@aol.com

grover is great! i had a car named after him, it was a 1978 BLUE Monte Carlo. i had to sell it but it was hard. i enjoyed your web page.

Pearl - 01/05/99 00:22:41
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/lovehunnie/enter.html
My Email:nerdn714@aol.com

YOu have a very cute page!! THey used to have a seaseme street store in the mall here......but to my dismay..they closed it DOWN!!! hehe well anyway the web is the only place i can enjoy them. Take care and keep up the good work!

Pearl's World of Pooh

SmrsA - 01/04/99 20:35:06
My Email:

Hey hey hey! Very nice site, pictures and all.. Keep it that way! bye

Grover27 - 12/31/98 21:15:11

um, gee... isn't Lauren so funny... yep, hilarious... Lauren is a pathological liar, I'm fine, I don't shake.... hmm... Lauren, stop or I'm gonna start deleting your messages.

Lauren - 12/30/98 17:32:21
My Email:acorn1@hotmail.com

Jeanetta is a victim of Parkinson's Disease. That's why she shakes all the time. She's not cold, just very very sick. Okay?

lysa strokelitus - 12/07/98 22:33:41
My Email:yenta00@hotmail.com

great site it's the best one i've seen. You still gotta help me with mine.

Matt - 12/03/98 20:50:59


bill long - 11/28/98 01:25:09
My Email:onyx_49@hotmail.com

Grover is da bomb. Thats all there is to say

Beth - 11/27/98 23:45:36
My Email:metzger1@pottsville.infi.net

This page is realy cool. Just don't take this obsession so far as to dye your hair blue. JK

MARK MURPHY - 11/27/98 04:34:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/2248
My Email:you know

WAHOO!!!!!!WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!YEA!!!!!!!!!WAHOOO!!!!!GREAT NETTERS!!!!!!

Joe Grabowski - 11/27/98 03:10:28
My Email:joeyg_1@hotmail.com

Wonderful site. Because of it's appeal to the Fairy Kingdom and The Acorn Empire Alliance, It has earned GOTHIC KEY APPROVAL!!!
Muahaha. JOE G!

Tara Kemfort - 11/27/98 00:26:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/9004/
My Email:tarallk@unforgettable.com

Kewl page Netters!

Lauren - 11/26/98 23:20:40
My Email:acorn1@hotmail.com

You are scary. This grover thing has gone too far. Muhahahahahaha. J/K It's , uh, great.

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