You know when you are a Sailor Jupiter freak when.....(YKWYAASJFW)

You where your hair in a pony tail everyday.

You change you name to Makoto or in some cases, Lita.

You have pretty much all Sailor Jupiter merchandise there is!

You have an obsessive shrine on her!

You force yourself to like to cook.

EVERYONE looks like your old boyfriend!

You hold a stick in the air, and yell "Jupiter Star Power, Make Up!" hoping you will tranform.

You have a special hard drive on your computer just for Sailor Jupiter stuff.

You download anything that has Sailor Jupiter in it.

You yell "Supreme Thunder", and break some good China.

You favorite color is Green or Pink.

You pretty much know everything about her!!

Your favorite number is 4.

You yell "Jupiter Oak Evolution", and spin around until you are sick.

You try to transform into Sailor Jupiter starting... NAKED!

You walk into your science class saying "I am Sailor -", snd the rest of the class says "We know We know... You are Sailor Jupiter
and you will punish us!"

You are devistated of planes.

All of your clothes are green or pink.

You enter a Mako-Look-Alike contest and actually win the contest!!!

You love oak trees.

You yell "Sparkling Wide Pressure", and smack your little brother's face.

You sing Rainy Day Man until everyone is staring at you.

You sign your letters "Makoto" or "Mako-chan".

You stand out in the rain until you get struck by lightning and yell "Supreme Thunder!"

You like almost anything as long as its green.

A creep in school bugs you and you yell "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" and throw green paper at the creep while spinning.

You concentrate really hard waiting for a 4 symbol to appear on your forehead.

You beg your cat to start talking and give you a Sailor Jupiter transformation pen.

You make a Sailorjupiter costume for an anime convention.

You start fights at school just to be like her.

Have any good ones?  Mail me then!!!
