Friends On the Web
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Send me your pics and I will post your photo on this page.  Check out the people I've met so far.

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We met in Geocities Chat
That's all the info he would give.
From Yahoo Chat.

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DILLION:  Chilling DIJI:  I met her two years ago.  In Yahoo Chat.  She's still cute. DAVE:  One of our few good men.  Not much info on him.

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CRISSY:  From Geocities Chat Her secret is so charming.  We met in Geocities Chat. JON:  All I know is, he's a surfer.   Lives in Hawaii.
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TIKI:  We met in AOL SHERRI:  From Geocities chat.
16 years old
MIKE:  From AOL.

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I'm not going to tell you her real name.  But just look in her eyes and you can see that they are sweetblues. TOM:  Met him in Geocities. ANDREA:  I told her I loved her name.   And we just clicked.  20 years old. Met in an excite chat room.
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CANDY:  Met in her geocities.  Added 08/03/99. JOSIBERTH:  I forgot where I met here.   But it was recently.  8/12/99 JANET: She lives here in Hawaii.  Met here a few days ago.  8/12/99

More to come soon.

Email me for more info.  Or to send your pic.