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I'm ANDRE, a former resident of Long Beach City, that's in Southern California you'all.  About 23 miles south of Los Angeles.  I'm now residing in Honolulu, Hawaii.

I graduated from Long Beach Poly High, Home of Scholars and Athletes, in June 1999.  I'm here at the University of Hawaii to run track.  I'm not alone, my cousin Jovita (by marriage) been living here since 1993,  I think.  Football is my favorite sport though, (I like watching) sad to say I don't play it. I play soccer, and quite frankly I'm good. That surprise a lot of people, because I'm black.  I don't know why people are still surprise, there's a lot of soccer players that are black. Sad to say I didn't get a scholarship for soccer, but I plan to be a walk-on.  I like Hawaii.  Its cool here.

If I could be someone in history, that was famous, I would be Peter. You know the other guy other than Jesus Christ, that walked on water. I don't know if people consider those people in the Bible were real, but I do, and I guess that's who I would have wanted to be. Someone that saw all the miracles and was an inside man to Jesus Christ Himself, and who Knew that Jesus was the Messiah.  Dang, that would have been so cool.

I have no hero. People are so disappointing. I know they say no one is perfect, but damn, do that means no one should try to achieve to make a difference and stick to it?  I'm my own hero. Yeah. ME! Because I'll do my damn best to make myself proud.

Enough said.  Don't you think?   Enjoy my site!  Thank you.


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Below you will find a list of things that I'm interest in.  Not particularly in order.

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Sports: I can't live without it.  Whether its football, basketball, soccer or hockey.  I LOVE IT.

Drawing: I love drawing.  I love looking at paintings also.  I'm not really good at drawing, but it relaxes me.

Girls: I love girls.  Click on Girls, and you'll see where I'm coming from.  I mean what guys don't . . . I guess there are guys that don't, I mean like girls, but I do.  A lot.

Music:   Hip-Hop, Pop, Rock, R & B, Jazz, and even Reggae. regge.gif (6434 bytes) Oh yeah, and Punta.   By clicking on music you will find out more about Punta.  Music to me is wonderful and powerful.  It transcends across culture and oceans.  Its a movement that is unstoppable.

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This page was last updated on 12/12/99.