Dec.23 1999
I found out about a color Pikachu Pocket pet in Japan and I am not sure if they will release it in the U.S.
or not. It appears to be able to link to other CPPP (Color Pikachu Pocket Pet) units and other gameboy Color Units. I got some pictures from psypoke,click link to go to that page. And the rest from a Japanese Pokemon Page.

These are from a Japanese website.

These are from Psypoke.

They are pictures or gifs of the regular Pikachu Pocket Pet.

It appears that it is confirmed that the Second Pokemon movie is going to be released in the U.S.
If you go to then it will pretty much just take you to I found out at a pokemon page that Revelation Lugia is the name of the second movie and that the site URL has already been reserved by Nintendo of America. I know that Lugia is the gray Pokemon in the poster below. (I it got off a Japanese Pokemon page)  Lugia is summoned by Moltres,Articuno, and Zapdos, to save them. More pictures at the second news page.

I do not claim to own Pokemon I only put this page up for the enjoyment of fellow Pokemon fans.

More news!!!!!!!!!!!!!