50 Cups of Coffee
A Life Uncommon
Andrea's Weblog
Between the Lines
Big White Guy
Bleu Blog
Bloggin' With Betty Boop
Bummin' Around
Daily Fix
Daily Grind
Days of Inspiration
Digital Asylum
Easily Amused
Frog Blog
Haha - No Serious
Hopeless Romantics
House of Boo-Boo's
I Must...
In a Mood
In My Green Eyes
It's All About Me Me Me
Kitty Kitty
Little Things
Liz v3.0
Loves Is A Battlefield
Mood Indigo
Obligatory Blog
On the Bayou
Out Of Focus
Pink Girl
Play For Today
Possibly Interesting
Recycled Thoughts
Rhapsody In Blog
Sandee - I Will Survive
Seducing Prufrock
Sexy Geek Girl
So Anyway...
Sometimes I Scare Myself
Soul Slivers
Sweet and Sour
Sweet Aspirations
Team Monkey
Thought Element
Thoughful Thoughts
Tired 'Lil Brit Girl
To Know Me Is To Blog Me
Weblog Wannabe
O.K. ... well today's the big day! As of now, my URL is changing! Hurray! ... no more ads! Sorry, but you'll have to change your links and your bookmarks to:
I plan on doing something with the front page for Kyra, but we haven't decided what yet! So stay tuned for that! I'll let you know when that's ready, and for now there are just a few pictures of Kyra that my friend put up for her!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 10:12 PM link
I got these little presents from Thori at lilDeMented. They will open up on Christmas Day! Too cute!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 3:08 PM link
WooHoo! I almost forgot today's friday five!
1. What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Snake, although brain comes to mind also!2. Name one (material) thing you can't live without.
My computer.3. Name something you've always wanted to do but didn't have time for.
Study French seriously. Money is a factor as well.4. What outrageous thing do you wish you had the nerve to do?
Get my tongue pierced! Ha!5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
Finishing up the Christmas and grocery shopping. Plus, house cleaning ... my mother-in-law arrives on Sunday evening! It would be nice if she didn't have to enter a tornado zone!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 11:50 PM link
I have never felt so appreciated by a company before the one that I work for now. On December 6th, they had a wonderful Christmas party for all of us (about 24 employees) at the Rosewater Dinner Club which was simply wonderful. Really elegant! Yesterday, I arrived at work to a giftbag on my desk! Inside there was a letter from the owners thanking the staff for our dedication, loyalty and hard work throughout the year. Really nice letter! Some people who work with specific clients (we're an internal corporate advertising agency) got bonuses based on the work that was done throughout the year with each client. I received two gift certificates ... a $25.00 one from Chapters Indigo Book Store, and another $25.00 for Cineplex Odeon Cinemas. What a treat! (Sean and I will use that to go see The Lord Of The Rings next week.)
Well, today I came in to work for a special lunch to thank the accounting department, plus a couple of other people for the hard work that was done for a small audit with our largest client. It again was at a really beautiful restaurant which overlooked the lake, and luckily it was a gorgeous sunny day! I had the Sea Bass and it was amazing! After the lunch we were given a very brief thank you from two of the owners and then surprised again with giftbags. This time they lined the gift bags up and asked us to choose one. They were all the same value. The funny thing is, that without knowing what was inside the bags, we each chose the perfect gift for ourselves. I am so encredibly pleased with my selection that I cannot stop grinning! Heh! I got a $150.00 Gift Certificate to The Royal Alexandra Theatre. Plus a $100.00 bill! I nearly keeled over when I opened the gift! The Royal Alexandra Theatre is owned by David and Ed Mirvish, who also own the Princess of Wales Theatre, where The Lion King is presently playing. To make a "short" story long ... I'm hoping that I'll be able to use my gift certificate to get tickets to The Lion King. It was only two days ago that I was talking to several of the women at work, and I was saying that I would love to take Kyra to see the stage performance of The Lion King! Now, I may be able to do just that!
Anyhow, my day was just wonderful, and I feel very privileged to work with the people in my company. They really know how to make their staff feel incredibly special!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 11:08 PM link
Oh ... my ... it's now Friday! That means that there are only three days left! Yipes! Someone help me!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 12:21 AM link
I'm posting a photo of my 16 year old Burmese cat Serena for Pam!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 9:16 PM link
What is up with these quizzes? (I'm referring to the Cat Quiz, the Internet Quiz, and the Art Test, and probably more.) They are no longer available, and so the links to the images no longer work. I mean, if they didn't want their band-width overloaded, they just should have asked us to save the images. Are we supposed to have all these broken images on our sites? Humph! That's all ... I'm finished now! ... Thank you for reading my peeve!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 8:58 PM link
I decided to do Emode's Ultimate IQ Test and found out that my ultimate IQ score is 129, and my intellectual type is a Visual Mathematician. I love those type of skill tests ... not for the score, but for the questions. Lateral thinking! Keeps my brain in shape! Heh!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 3:22 PM link
Hurray! ... Blogger is finally posting!
Today Kyra, Sean and I went to see the Canadian National Ballet perform the The Nutcracker! It was really lovely, and Kyra really enjoyed herself. Especially when the Sugar Plum Fairy danced with the Nutcracker Prince. Kyra also informed me that she also liked the part when the horse danced with the uncle. After the Ballet we went to have a late lunch at the Marche Restaurant, which ended up being a big expensive disappointment. We've had coffee and dessert there before and it really is a lot of fun. You walk through what is like an open market and choose the food that you would like to have. Some meals are cooked right in front of you, and different areas have different foods. Sean and Kyra each had a quarter chicken with vegetables and rice. And they each had a fresh juice. I had a chicken stir-fry and a salad. Sean had an apple pie for dessert and Kyra had a small ice cream. While the experience is fun, the food is just O.K. Well, the bill came to $53.00. Yipes! We could have eaten better food at our local neighbourhood restaurant at half the price. Next time we will. After lunch, Kyra and I sent Sean home while we went shopping for a Barbie for a little six year old girl, who is part of a family that my company is "adopting" for Christmas. Everyone in my office is donating $15.00 - $20.00 each toward food, clothing and gifts for a single mother and her teenage son and six year old daughter. For every dollar that we collect from the staff (about 24 people), the company will give the same amount. I also wanted Kyra to get involved, so I had her purchase a Barbie to give the little girl, and Kyra is now making a Christmas card for her as well. I'm glad that she will learn a little about giving this year.
posted by Helena Soukup @ 7:45 PM link
Is anyone else having trouble with Blogger tonight? Nothing seems to post! Of course, I'm not sure why I'm writing this, except that I'm hoping that simply by writing this, it will work! LOL! And to think that I spent a couple of hours cleaning up my links and now they won't load to the site. Hmph! I'm trying to get things cleaned up before I move my blog to my new domain. Only a few more days!!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 8:58 PM link
Kyra had her Ballet demonstration today. I took this photo while Kyra was dancing and it came out blurry, but I really like it.
posted by Helena Soukup @ 8:35 PM link
I'm finally joining in and doing a Friday Five!
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child I wanted to be a Horse Trainer, and as a teen I wanted to be a Psychologist and then a Graphic Designer.2. Do you have any nicknames?
There are people who only know me as Suki, plus one friend always calls me Helly.3. If you could change something about yourself what would it be?
I would keep my home neat and organized.4. Have you ever bought anything from an infomercial?
No, but many years ago I did buy a Thigh Master at a store after watching an infomercial.5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
On Saturday Kyra has a Ballet Recital, and on Sunday we're all going to the Nutcracker Suite. Plus, I'm going to spent some time FTPing my files to my new domain.
posted by Helena Soukup @ 9:45 PM link
Kyra wants to know why the The Powerpuff Girls don't have any fingers!?! Heh!!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 2:05 PM link
This new meme is stolen from Laura!
1. Shoes on or off? On! For some reason I don't like going barefoot anymore!
2. Meat or vegetables? Both, but make me choose and I'll choose vegetable.
3. Desktop or notebook? Desktop, but I'd love a laptop.
4. Red or green? Red.
5. Coke or pepsi? Neither ... gonna force me?... Coke!
6. Tidy or messy? Ugh! Messy!
7. Reading or writing? Both! Can't choose.
8. The letter K or the letter Q? K for Kyra!! But Q is the most beautiful letter.
9. Square or circle? Circle.
10. Rain or snow? Rain.
posted by Helena Soukup @ 4:06 PM link
Well, my new domain is up and running (hurray!!), but I haven't had the time to upload my blog yet, and I may not be able to until the Christmas holidays. I've been on Geocities, so having my own domain will be quite different especially getting used to WS-FTP etc. But I can't wait to have everything up and working. Since the domain is also for Kyra, I'll have to design a site for her as well. But not until I finish the business site that I'm working on. My friend Jeff has put some photos of Kyra up on the site for now. He's so great, because he has arranged for everything, and even the hosting will be free with 100mgs of space, plus email addresses. I'm so thrilled!
Well, I'm off to bed, despite the 1 1/2 hour nap I had this afternoon I'm still pooped from last night! Good night!!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 10:34 PM link
So my company Christmas Party was last night, and we all had a really great time. It was held at the Rosewater Dinner Club, which is a restaurant that is the talk of Toronto right now. It definitely was a beautiful place, and the food was delicious. I had Sea Bass for dinner, and it was incredible. The wine was pouring freely, and everyone got "happy" quickly. We also did a gift exchange and it was a lot of fun. We did something that is called "Christmas Pie". Everyone brought a gift valued at $20.00 and put it on the table. We all drew numbers and so number one went first and chose a gift. Number two has the option of choosing another gift, or if they liked the gift that number one chose, they could take that gift, and number one has to choose again. And on it goes! The most that each gift can be "stolen" is three times, and then it is "safe"! What a riot! I had number 21, so I had my pick of quite a few gifts, but I chose an unwrapped gift and got a set of six Christmas espresso cups with a mini stuffed animal in each one and a couple of packets of espresso coffee. The gift that I brought was a DVD of the movie Shrek. My co-worker Jim got it and he was thrilled. So, in the end we all had a great time, and I didn't get home until 1:00 AM. (My company provided Taxi chits for everyone to get home safely!) So today, I have a headache and I need a nap! ... it's only 10:30 AM and I've been up for three hours ... Yawn!! But first I have to get ready to go to Kyra's school where I have a Parent Teacher interview to discuss Kyra's Report Card. She got it a few days ago and it was great! But after lunch I'm definitely going to lie down for a couple of hours. I am so-o-o glad that I'm not working today! And Kyra has a PD Day!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 10:45 AM link
Today seems to be quiz day! So here's another. Meow!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 9:08 PM link
If I was a work of art, I would be Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.
I am extremely popular and widely known. Although unassuming and unpretentious, my enigmatic smile has charmed millions. I am a mystery, able to be appreciated from afar, but ultimately unknowable and thus intriguing.
posted by Helena Soukup @ 4:04 PM link
Thanks to Susan for the link to find out what type of frog I am. Cute idea!
Dendrobates like to live in warm humid habitats. While most small colorful frogs are poisonous in the wild, they tend to lose a lot, if not all, of their toxicity when bred in captivity. This is largly due to the lack of the variety they would normally get in their diet in the wild. They eat small insects such as fruit flies, newborn crickets, and meadow plankton.
posted by Helena Soukup @ 12:10 PM link
Happy Birthday Lorrie! Have a wonderful day!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 8:29 PM link
What the hell is going on with Google searches?? In the last two days I've had fourteen searches for "short haircuts for women"! I know that I recently blogged about my short haircut, but this is silly! No one is going to find any photos of short haircuts for women here! LOL!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 10:44 PM link
Guess what? ... I may have my very own domain soon ... it's in the works! I'm really excited! Plus it's a surprise for Kyra as well! The funny part is that it all came about when I was asked to design a small business website. Ha! Ha! Yeah, me! (More about that another time!)Well, while talking to my friend Jeff about it, he asked me if I wanted some free webspace, and I mentioned that what I really wanted was my own domain name. I casually mentioned the site name that I wanted, (which I knew was available), and he said that he'd reserve it for me so that I wouldn't lose it. Well, while at work today I typed in the URL that I wanted and it was active. Jeff registered the name, got me a host, and uploaded an "Under Construction" sign. What a wonderful surprise! Plus, with the money that I'll make on the website design, he's going to build me a computer. What a great friend!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 1:08 AM link
Here are some really strange Google searches that I've had this week:cocker spaniel haircut with bangs
hotwater heater
need new shoes blog
aaron's hair and lesson
had male roommates
how do you get skunk smell out shoes
ummm ... O.K.!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 5:25 PM link
Yesterday evening, Kyra, Sean and I went to see Harry Potter! WOW!! We really enjoyed it, and when it was over (nearly 2 1/2 hours later) Kyra's first response was, "Can we come and see it again tomorrow?" I've been reading Harry Potter to Kyra, and we're already halfway into the second book, and it was so cute when several times during the movie she turned to me and said, "Mommy, remember, that was in the book?" She especially liked it that now she has a face for all the names in the book. The books are a little over her head in places, so having seen the first movie will help it to make more sense to her. And I agree with Kyra ... I could see it again as well.
Today, our plans are to go to the One Of A Kind Craft Show. I guess if we don't get going we'll never got there. Ciao!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 2:22 PM link
Happy Birthday Sean!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 7:32 PM link
I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!
Take the INTERNET-ADDICT Test at Fuali.com!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 6:48 PM link
Taken from Becky, here is my list of 4 things:4 things you would eat on the last day of your life:
Grilled Salmon Steak with Dill
Chicken Noodle Soup (mine - it's more like a stew)
Swiss Milk Chocolate
4 CDs from your collection that you will never get tired of:
Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
Jann Arden - Living Under June
Sting - Nothing Like the Sun
Enya - Watermark
4 movies that you watch over and over:
Shindler's List
Shawshank Redemption
The Island on Bird Street
Kiki's Delivery Service (Animation)
4 vacations you have taken:
Czech Republic / Austria (6 years ago)
Europe (at least 12 countries 25 years ago)
Nova Scotia (home)
New York City4 songs you get stuck in your head frequently:
Happy Birthday
Oh Come All Ye Faithful (yes, even in the summer)
Goodnight My Someone (from The Music Man)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot4 things you'd like to learn:
Relearn Czech (my native language)
Play the Flute4 beverages you drink frequently:
Apple Juice
Water4 TV shows that you liked when you were a kid:
Mr. Dressup
Partridge Family
The Monkeys
Family Affair4 places to go in your city:
CN Tower
Royal Ontario Museum
Casa Loma (a castle)
Ontario Science Centre4 things to do when you're bored:
Surf the Web
Watch TV
Clean the House (Ha Ha! Not!) Nap!4 things that never fail to cheer you up:
Sean in a silly mood
Reading Blogs
Watching a Movie
posted by Helena Soukup @ 9:18 PM link
Yay!! Andrea is free! ... of her exams that is ...! So, what are you going to do with all your free time Andrea?
posted by Helena Soukup @ 6:25 PM link
Sandee has moved! Glad you "survived" the change Sandee! Welcome back!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 1:46 PM link
I just noticed that Sweetie has linked to me! I've never read her blog before, but it's looks like fun!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 1:10 PM link
Joyeux Anniversaire Becky! Hope that you have a good one! I hope that the weather is better in France than it is here in Toronto ... it's fr-r-e-e-e-z-z-ing here! Br-r-r-r-r!!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 1:00 PM link
Today is the Toronto Santa Claus Parade. Where did the year go? It seems like it was only a few months ago that we were getting ready to go to last years parade, not twelve months! Sheesh! I'm also trying to decide what to get Kyra this year for Christmas! She seems too old for many of the toys out there, and yet too young for many of the others. She would like a Game Boy Advanced, which is a wee bit ahead of her five years but there are a few games that would be age appropriate. Plus she'd also like to get the doll Boo, from the movie Monsters, Inc. I'll probably get her the living room for her Playmobile doll house as well. Sean is easy this year, as there are several things that he would like. I'm leaning toward getting him an Espresso maker. Plus, we're thinking about getting ourselves a DVD Player as well.
Well, I just noticed the time, and since the Santa Claus Parade starts at 1:00, we should be running. Luckily, where we go to see the parade, it usually doesn't reach that location until close to 2:00. But, we should still rush. See ya!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 1:01 PM link
OK ... so because everyone else is doing it ... here is my Colorgenics profile:
You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realisation of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that "True love is just around the corner"...and maybe... if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.You are feeling very vulnerable at this time. Nothing seems to be going in the right direction ..business wise ... private-life wise.everything... You need some emotional security and an environment which could possibly provide fewer problems, but the way you are feeling - you can't be bothered even to make the effort.
Conditions are rather confusing at this time. You would like to involved with a particular person or a particular situation..... butyou are holding back. You find it difficult to make a decision...
Your ability to withstand the pressures of everyday life have been overtaxed, and this is leading to stress and frustrations. It would seem that for the time being you have lost the resilience and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties. You feel that it is all "Too much" and try as you may - you are getting nowhere. But to give you credit you continue to stand your ground and still pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity.Naturally this situation is subjecting you to intolerable stress and pressure from which you would dearly like to escape, but you can not bring yourself to make the necessary decision. As a result you remain firmly involved in the problem and you can neither view it objectively nor get rid of it - You cannot leave it alone and you feel that you will only be at peace when you have reached your objective.
You have so many ideas that you would like to revitalise but you need to realise a stable and peaceful condition to do so. Once you can free yourself from all the aggravation and tension around you, you will make strides that may amaze you. You will not be prevented from achieving all the things you so desire..
Umm ... OK ... so it is pretty accurate! Spooky!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 7:32 PM link
Today is Remembrance Day in Canada! Poppies happen to be my favourite flower, but on this day they happen to take on a whole new meaning!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 3:38 PM link
Are You A Blogaholic? Well, I scored 48% on the quiz ... seems healthy enough!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 8:02 PM link
Kyra and I came home late after her swimming lesson this evening, and when I went to collect the mail, a beautiful bunch of flowers was waiting for me on my doorstep! At first I thought that they must be for someone else, however, after reading the card I discovered that they were in fact for me. They were from the company that I work for, because today was my one year anniversary with the company. What a wonderful surprise! I really work for a great company! They wrote on the card: "Thank you very much for a great dedicated year. We look forward to many more!" The bouquet is an interesting arrangement that also came with this note on it. "This "rose pudding" you have received will dry. Please do NOT water." Hopefully it will dry nicely! Here is a photo of Kyra holding the arrangement!
posted by Helena Soukup @ 11:03 PM link